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Article Index
- ‘Fireworks’ Goldenrod, Solidago rugosa
- ‘Husker Red‘ Foxglove Beardtongue, Penstemon digitalis ‘Husker Red’
- 'Prairie Sun' Black-eyed Susan, Rudbeckia hirta
- 'Silver Falls' Dichondra argentea
- 'Stargazer' Lily
- 'Tiger Eyes' Staghorn Sumac, Rhus typhina
- Allium senescens ssp. glaucum
- Anemone ‘Honorine Jobert’
- Brunnera macrophylla ‘Jack Frost’
- Campanula carpatica ‘Blue Clips’ & ‘White Clips’
- Daphne x burkwoodii ‘Carol Mackie’
- Dendrobium lindleyi
- Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Firewitch'
- Dianthus 'Bath's Pink'
- Entomophthora muscae
- Erythronium ‘Pagoda’
- Euphorbia myrsinites
- Euphorbia Diamond Frost®
- Hepatica
- Hibiscus acetosella
- Hibiscus schizopetalus
- Hibiscus ‘Lord Baltimore’
- Iris pallida
- Liatris
- Lychnis ×arkwrightii 'Vesuvius'
- Nepeta xfaassenii ‘Walker’s Low’
- Nerine bowdenii
- Nicotiana langsdorffii
- Pennisetum ‘Fireworks’
- Ranunculus gramineus
- Stachys byzantina ‘Big Ears’
- Stachys ‘Hummelo’
- Stromanthe sanguinea “Tricolor”
- Tradescantia zebrina
- Trichopoda pennipes, Parasitoid of Squash Bug
- Verbena bonariensis
- 10 Things to Consider for Weed Management When Establishing Pollinator Plantings
- Join in Community Science with the Wisconsin Wild Bee App
- Wisconsin’s Busy Bees: Getting to Know the Bees in Your Area
- ▶ Watch: Biology and Management of Canada Thistle, Bishop’s Goutweed, and Creeping Bellflower
- ▶ Watch: How do Pesticides Affect Pollinators and Songbirds in Your Yard
- ▶ Watch: Pollinator Gardens: Plant Selection and Garden Care
- ▶ Watch: Best Practices for Watering Yards and Gardens
- ▶ WATCH: Bringing the Garden Inside
- ▶ WATCH: Maintaining Your Festive Houseplants
- ▶︎ Watch: Powdery Mildew Remedies
- ▶ Watch: Rejuvenating Old Apple Trees
- 5 Steps to Plant a Tree
- A Pepper for Every Pot
- Aeonium
- African Fig Fly – Pest Alert
- African Violets
- Agapanthus
- Ageratum, Ageratum houstonianum
- Alternatives to Lawn: Groundcovers
- Amaryllis, Hippeastrum
- Amazing Flowers
- American Hog-peanut, Amphicarpaea bracteata
- Amur Cherry, Prunus maackii
- Angel’s Trumpet, Brugmansia
- Angular Leaf Spot of Strawberry
- Anise hyssop, Agastache foeniculum
- Anthracnose
- Aphids
- Aphids, in-depth
- Apple Disorder: Sooty Blotch and Flyspeck
- Apple Maggot
- Apple Pest Management for Home Gardeners
- Apple Scab
- Arkansas or Thread-leaf Blue Star, Amsonia hubrichtii
- Armillaria Root Disease
- Arugula, Eruca sativa
- Ash Alternatives for Homeowners and Professionals
- Ash Flower Gall
- Ash Yellows
- Asparagus Beetle
- Asparagus fern, Asparagus densiflorus
- Assassin Bugs and Ambush Bugs (Reduviidae)
- Aster Yellows
- Asters, Symphyotrichum spp.
- Astrantia, Astrantia major
- Autumn Crocus, Colchicum spp.
- Aztec Lily, Sprekelia formosissima
- Backyard fruit care tips for summer season with Vijai Pandian (August 16, 2019)
- Bacterial Blight
- Bacterial Canker
- Bacterial Soft Rot
- Bacterial Speck of Tomato
- Bacterial Spot of Tomato
- Bacterial Wetwood
- Bacterial Wilt of Cucurbits
- Bagging Apples for Insect and Disease Control
- Balloon Plant, Gomphocarpus physocarpus
- Balm-leaved Red Deadnettle, Lamium orvala
- Baneberry, Actaea spp.
- Barnyardgrass – Echinochola crusgalli
- Basil Downy Mildew
- Bat-faced cuphea, Cuphea llavea
- Bean Leaf Beetle
- Bean Leaf Beetle, Cerotoma trifurcata
- Beetles (Coleoptera)
- Beginning Vegetable Garden Basics: Site Selection and Soil Preparation
- Bells of Ireland, Molucella laevis
- Bellwort, Uvularia grandiflora
- Best Practices for Community Gardens During COVID-19
- Beyond Birdfeeders: How to be a Bird-friendly Gardener
- Biennial Thistle Comparison
- Biennial Wormwood – Artemisia biennis
- Biological Control of Insects and Mites: An Introduction to Beneficial Natural Enemies and Their Use in Pest Management
- Bird of Paradise, Strelitzia reginae
- Bird’s Nest Fungi
- Bitter Pit and Cork Spot
- Black Cutworm
- Black Knot
- Black Knot, Apiosporina morbosa
- Black Medic, Medicago lupulina
- Black Rot of Crucifers
- Black Spot
- Black Stem Borer
- Black swallowtail, Papilio polyxenes
- Black Vine Weevil
- Black Walnut Toxicity
- Black-eyed Susan Vine, Thunbergia alata
- Blackberry Lily, Belamcanda chinensis or Iris domestica
- Blackseed Plantain – Plantago rugelii
- Blanket flower, Gaillardia spp.
- Bleeding Heart Vine, Clerodendrum thomsoniae
- Bleeding Heart, Dicentra spectabilis
- Blister Canker
- Bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis
- Bloody Dock, Rumex sanguineus
- Blossom End Rot
- Blue Anise Sage, Salvia guaranitica
- Blue False Indigo, Baptisia australis
- Blue Fescue, Festuca ovina glauca
- Blue Oat Grass, Helictotrichon sempervirens
- Blue-eyed grass, Sisyrinchium
- Blueberry Maggot
- Boston Fern, Nephrolepis exaltata ‘Bostoniensis’
- Boxelder Bug, Boisea trivittatus
- Boxelder Bugs
- Boxwood Blight
- Brass Buttons, Leptinella squalida
- Bromeliads
- Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
- Brown Rot
- Brown-eyed Susan, Rudbeckia triloba
- Bull Thistle – Cirsium vulgare
- Burro’s Tail, Sedum morganianum
- Butterflyweed, Asclepias tuberosa
- Butternut Canker
- Cabbage Looper
- Cabbage Maggot
- Caladiums
- Calendula, Calendula officinalis
- Calibrating and Using Lawn Fertilizer and Lime Spreaders
- Cane Blight
- Capers, Capparis spinosa
- Cardinal Climber, Ipomoea sloteri
- Cardinal Flower, Lobelia cardinalis
- Cardoon, Cynara cardunculus
- Carpetweed, Mollugo verticillata
- Castor Bean, Ricinus communis
- Catchweed Bedstraw, Galium aparine
- Caterpillar Pests of Cole Crops
- Catnip, Nepeta cataria
- Celandine Poppy, Stylophorum diphyllum
- Centipedes
- Chamomile, Matricaria chamomilla
- Chenille Plant, Acalypha hispida
- Chicory, Cichorium intybus
- Chioggia Beets
- Chipmunk and Ground Squirrel Ecology and Damage Management
- Chives, Allium schoenoprasum
- Chlorosis
- Choosing the Right Christmas Tree
- Choosing the Right Landscape Plants: Factors to Consider
- Choosing Trees and Shrubs Under Powerlines
- Cicada Killer Wasps
- Cicadas
- Cilantro / Coriander, Coriandrum sativum
- Citronella Ants
- Clivia
- Codling Moth
- Cole Crops Disorder: Blackleg
- Cole Crops Disorder: Clubroot
- Comfrey – Symphytum officinale
- Common and Glossy Buckthorns
- Common Burdock – Arctium minus
- Common Chickweed – Stellaria media
- Common Columbine Pests: Columbine Leafminer and Columbine Sawfly
- Common Corn Smut
- Common Crops for Community Gardens – People + Plants
- Common foxglove, Digitalis purpurea
- Common Groundsel, Senecio vulgaris
- Common Lambsquarters – Chenopodium album
- Common Leaf Spot of Strawberry
- Common Milkweed Insects
- Common Mullein – Verbascum thapsus
- Common Mullein, Verbascum thapsus
- Common Purslane, Portulaca oleracea
- Common Ragweed – Ambrosia artemisiifolia
- Common Spiders In and Around the Home
- Common Weed Seedlings of the North Central States
- Common Yellow Woodsorrel, Oxalis stricta
- Concolor Fir, Abies concolor
- Conifer Disease Quick Reference
- Conservation of Native and Domestic Pollinators in Managed Turfgrass Landscapes
- Container Gardening
- Controlling Carpenter Ants
- Controlling Deer Damage in Wisconsin
- Corky Ringspot
- Corn Disorders: Smut and Rust
- Corn Earworm
- Corn Earworm, Helicoverpa zea
- Create a Butterfly Garden
- Creeping Charlie, Gleochoma hederaceae
- Croton, Codiaeum variegatum
- Crown Gall
- Crown of Thorns, Euphorbia milii
- Cucumber Beetles
- Cucumber Beetles
- Cucumber Beetles
- Cucumber Mosaic
- Cucurbit Downy Mildew: Identification and Management
- Curly Dock – Rumex crispus
- Cutleaf Toothwort, Cardamine concatenata
- Cycads
- Cyclamen
- Cyclamen and Broad Mites
- Cytospora Canker
- Dame’s Rocket
- Damping Off
- Damsel Bugs, Family Nabidae
- Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale
- Datura
- Daylily Leaf Streak
- Dead Man’s Fingers
- Deciduous Tree and Shrub Disorder: Skeletonizing by Rose Chafer
- Deciduous Tree Galls
- Deciduous Tree Leaf Disease Quick Reference
- Deciduous Trees Disorder: Miscellaneous Causes of Decline
- Deciduous Trees Disorder: Springtime Weather Injury to Foliage
- Deer Flies and Horse Flies
- Degree Day Calculation
- Degree Days for Common Fruit & Vegetable Insect Pests
- Degree Days for Common Landscape Insect Pests
- Diamondback Moth
- Dill, Anethum graveolens
- Diplodia Shoot Blight and Canker
- Dividing Bearded Iris
- Dodder
- Dodder, Cuscuta spp.
- Dothistroma Needle Blight
- Downy Mildew
- Drought and Watering of Ornamental Plants
- Drugstore Beetles
- Dusty Miller, Senecio cineraria
- Dutch Elm Disease
- Early Blight
- Early Gems in the Rock Garden
- Earthworms in Lawn
- Earwigs
- Easter Lily, Lilium longiflorum
- Eastern Filbert Blight
- Eastern Red Columbine, Aquilegia canadensis
- Eastern Redbud, Cercis canadensis
- Eastern Tent Caterpillar, Malacosoma americanum
- Edema
- Effects of Flooding on Woody Landscape Plants
- Egyptian Walking Onions
- Elderberry Rust
- Elephant Bush, Portulacaria afra
- Elephant Ears (Colocasia, Alocasia, and Xanthosoma)
- Elm Zigzag Sawfly
- Espalier
- Euonymus Scale
- European Chafer
- European Larch, Larix decidua
- European Pine Sawfly, Neodiprion sertifer
- Extending the Garden Season
- Fairy Rings
- Fall “Lawndry” List
- Fall Vegetables
- Fall Webworm, Hyphantrea cunea
- False Solomon’s Seal, Maianthemum racemosum
- Fascinating Fasciation
- Feather Reed Grass, Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’
- Fennel, Foeniculum vulgare
- Fertilizing Small Fruits in the Home Garden
- Fiber Optic Grass, Isolepis cernua
- Field Ants
- Field Pennycress, Thlaspi arvense
- Fire Blight
- Fireflies (Lampyridae)
- Flapjacks, Kalanchoe spp.
- Floating Row Cover
- Flowering Maple, Abutilon spp.
- Flowering Tobacco, Nicotiana sylvestris
- Foliar Nematodes
- Forcing Bulbs
- Forsythia, Forsythia spp.
- Fothergilla
- Fountain Grass, Pennisetum alopecuroides
- Four O’Clocks, Mirabilis jalapa
- Four-Lined Plant Bug
- Fruit and Frost
- Fruit Crop Pollination
- Fruit Flies in the Home
- Fungus Gnats and Shore Flies in Greenhouses
- Fungus Gnats on Houseplants
- Galinsoga – Galinsoga quadriradiata
- Garden Spiders
- Garlic Chives, Allium tuberosum
- Garlic Mustard
- Garlic, Allium sativum
- Gaura, Gaura lindheimeri
- General Approaches to Insect Control
- Getting garden seeds during a pandemic 2021
- Giant Foxtail – Setaria faberi
- Giant Ragweed – Ambrosia trifida
- Ginger, Zingiber officinale
- Gladiolus Disorder: Virus Complex and Aster Yellows
- Globe Amaranth, Gomphrena globosa
- Gloriosa lily, Gloriosa superba
- Glory-of-the-Snow, Chionodoxa forbesii
- Goatsbeard, Aruncus dioicus
- Golden Canker (Cryptodiaporthe Canker)
- Golden Creeping Jenny, Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea'
- Golden Shrimp Plant, Pachystachys lutea
- Golden Trumpet, Allamanda cathartica
- Goldenrod Gall Fly, Eurosta solidagnis
- Goldenrod Soldier Beetle, Chauliognathus pensylvanicus
- Gomphrena ‘Fireworks’
- Grape Hyacinth, Muscari armeniacum
- Gray Mold (Botrytis Blight)
- Ground Beetles (Carabidae)
- Ground Cover Veronicas
- Grow Your Own Salad Greens
- Growing Apples in Wisconsin
- Growing Apricots, Cherries, Peaches, and Plums in Wisconsin
- Growing Blueberries in Containers
- Growing Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, and Other Cole Crops in Wisconsin
- Growing Carrots, Beets, Radishes, and Other Root Crops in Wisconsin
- Growing Currants, Gooseberries, and Elderberries in Wisconsin
- Growing Grapes in Wisconsin
- Growing Grass in Shade
- Growing Pears in Wisconsin
- Growing Pumpkins and Other Vine Crops in Wisconsin
- Growing Raspberries in Wisconsin
- Growing Salad Greens in Wisconsin
- Growing Strawberries in Containers
- Growing Strawberries in Wisconsin
- Growing Tomatoes, Peppers, and Eggplants in Wisconsin
- Growing Vegetables at Home: Questions and Answers
- Growing Vegetables in Containers
- Guignardia Leaf Spot
- Guinea Hen Flower, Fritillaria meleagris
- Gymnosporangium Rusts (Cedar-Apple Rusts)
- Hairy Toad Lily, Tricyrtis hirta
- Handbook of Pea Diseases
- Hardiness Zone Maps
- Harvesting Vegetables from the Home Garden
- Haworthias – Super Succulents for Small Spaces
- Heirloom Vegetables
- Helenium, Helenium autumnale
- Heliconias
- Helminthosporium Turf Diseases
- Henbit, Lamium amplexicaule
- Herbicide Damage
- Hoary Alyssum – Berteroa incana
- Holiday Cactus
- Hollyhock Rust
- Home Fruit Cultivars for Southern Wisconsin
- Home Fruit Cultivars of Northern Wisconsin
- Home Fruit Insecticides
- Home Garden Fungicides
- Home Landscape Insecticides
- Home Turf Insecticides
- Home Vegetable Garden Fungicides
- Home Vegetable Insecticides
- Home-Grown Tomatoes for Wisconsin
- Homeowner Guide to Emerald Ash Borer Insecticide Treatments
- Honeybush, Melianthus major
- Honeylocust Disorder: Canker Diseases in Wisconsin
- Honeywort, Cerinthe major
- Hornworms
- Horseradish, Armoracia rusticana
- Horseweed (Marestail) – Conyza canadensis
- Hosta Virus X
- Hot-Water Seed Treatment for Disease Management
- Houseplant Care
- Hover, Flower or Syrphid Flies (Syrphidae)
- How to Deal with Japanese Beetles by Vijai Pandian (July 22, 2019)
- Huitlacoche
- Hummingbird Moth, Hemaris thysbe
- Hummingbirds in the Garden
- Identification, Management and Control of Major Apple Pests
- Identifying grasses in Wisconsin
- Impatiens Downy Mildew
- Impatiens Necrotic Spot
- Imported Cabbageworm
- Indian Corn
- Indian Meal Moth
- Indoor Citrus
- Insect Pest Management for Greenhouses
- Invasive Exotic Shrub Honeysuckles
- Invasive Phragmites
- Ips Bark Beetle
- Iris Borer
- Iris Severe Mosaic
- Irish and Scotch Moss, Sagina subulata and Arenaria verna
- Is My Ash Tree Worth Treating for Emerald Ash Borer?
- Jade Plant, Crassula ovata
- Japanese Beetle
- Japanese Bloodgrass, Imperata cylindrica var. rubra
- Japanese Forest Grass, Hakonechloa macra
- Japanese Knotweed:
- Jewelweed, Impatiens capensis
- Jumping Worms
- Kahili Ginger, Hedychium gardnerianum
- Katydids
- Keeping your Grass Alive During Periods of Extended Drought
- Kiwifruit, Actinidia spp.
- Kohlrabi, Brassica olearcea var. gongylodes
- Konjac, Amorphophallus konjac
- Lady of the Night Orchid, Brassavola nodosa
- Lady's Mantle, Alchemilla mollis
- Lamb’s Ear, Stachys byzantina, ‘Cotton Boll’
- Landscaping Alternatives for Common Invasive Wetland and Aquatic Plants
- Landscaping Alternatives for Terrestrial Invasive Flowers and Grasses
- Landscaping In Spite of Black Walnuts
- Lantana
- Larder Beetles
- Late Blight
- Laurentia, Isotoma axillaris
- Lawn Aeration and Topdressing
- Lawn Disease Quick Reference
- Lawn Establishment & Renovation
- Lawn Fertilization
- Lawn Maintenance
- Leaf Color Change in Autumn
- Leafminers (vegetables)
- Leeks
- Lemon Balm, Melissa officinalis
- Lemon-scented Plants
- Lemongrass, Cymbopogon spp.
- Lenten Rose, Helleborus ×hybridus
- Lettuce Shows
- Lichens
- Lilacs for Cold Climates
- Lily Leaf Beetle
- Little Bluestem, Schizachyrium scoparium
- Living Stones: Lithops
- Love-in-a-Mist, Nigella damascena
- Magnolia Scale
- Maintaining Lawn and Garden Tools
- Making and Using Compost in the Garden
- Malabar spinach, Basella alba
- Managing Aphids in Greenhouses
- Managing Mites in Greenhouses
- Managing Thrips in Greenhouses
- Managing Turfgrass Pests in Wisconsin
- Maple and Other Trees Disorder: Cottony Maple Scale
- Maple Gall Mites (Eriophyidae)
- Marigolds
- Masked Hunter Bug
- May/June Beetles
- Mayapple, Podophyllum peltatum
- Mealybugs
- Mealybugs
- Mealycup sage, Salvia farinacea
- Mexican sunflower, Tithonia rotundifolia
- Microdochium Patch
- Mighty Mites
- Milkweed (Ornamental Plants Toxic to Animals)
- Millipedes
- Mistletoe
- Mole Ecology and Damage Management
- Morning Ag Clips: Lawn care tips for the fall with Doug Soldat
- Moss in Lawn
- Moss Rose, Portulaca grandiflora
- Mouse Melon or Mexican Sour Cucumber, Melothria scabra
- Mukdenia, Mukdenia rossii
- Mulches for Home Gardens and Plantings
- Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle
- Mums for Fall Beauty—Tips on Growing Chrysanthemums
- Musk Thistle – Carduus nutans
- Mycorrhizae
- Nasturtium, Tropaeolum majus
- Nectria Canker
- Nierembergia
- Nodding Onion, Allium cernuum
- Non-Yellow Daffodils
- Northern Maidenhair Fern, Adiantum pedatum
- Northern Masked Chafer
- Now’s the Time to Look for the Raspberry Cane Borer by Annie Deutch (August 9, 2019)
- Oak Wilt
- Oak Wilt Management—What Are the Options?
- Odorous House Ants
- Onion Maggot
- Onion Thrips
- Orchids
- Organic and Reduced-Risk Lawn Care
- Organic Lawn Fertilization
- Ornamental Cabbage and Kale
- Ornamental Cabbage and Kale, Brassica oleracea
- Ornamental Millet, Pennisetum glaucum
- Outdoor Hazards in Wisconsin: A Guide to Insects, Plants, and Wildlife
- Painted Lady Butterfly, Vanessa cardui
- Palmer Amaranth – Amaranthus palmeri
- Papyrus, Cyperus papyrus
- Parsley, Petroselinum crispum
- Pasque Flower, Pulsatilla vulgaris
- Pavement Ants
- Pea-Staking
- Peach Leaf Curl
- Peacock Orchid, Gladiolus murielae (=Acidantherus bicolor)
- Pear Slug (Pear Sawfly)
- Peony
- Periodical Cicadas
- Persian Shield, Strobilanthes dyerianus
- Phenology
- Phomopsis Tip Blight
- Phytophthora Root Rot of Christmas Trees
- Pine Root Collar Weevil
- Pineapple Mint, Mentha suaveolens ‘Variegata’
- Pineapple sage, Salvia elegans
- Pink Rain Lily, Zephyranthes grandiflora
- Planning and Designing Your Home Landscape
- Planning and Establishing Commercial Apple Orchards in Wisconsin
- Plant Flowers to Encourage Beneficial Insects
- Plant Growth Regulator Use in Apples
- Plants Not Favored by Deer
- Plum Curculio
- Plum Pox
- Plumeless Thistle – Carduus acanthoides
- Plumeria
- Poison Ivy
- Polka Dot Plant, Hypoestes phyllostachya
- Pollinators
- Ponytail Palm, Beaucarnea recurvata
- Popcorn Cassia, Senna (=Cassia) didymobotrya
- Potato Disorders: Common Scab and Powdery Scab
- Potato Leafhopper
- Potato Leafhopper
- Potato Scab
- Pothos, Epipremmum aureum
- Powder Post Beetles
- Powdery Mildew – Trees and Shrubs
- Powdery Mildew – Vegetables
- Powdery Mildew – Herbaceous Ornamentals
- Powdery Scab
- Prairie dropseed, Sporobolus heterolepis
- Prairie Primer
- Prairie Smoke, Geum triflorum
- Praying Mantids
- Professional Guide to Emerald Ash Borer Insecticide Treatments
- Proper Tree Planting Techniques (B&B)
- Protecting Young Trees from Animal and Other Damage Over Winter
- Protecting Your Tree From Emerald Ash Borer
- Pruning Deciduous Shrubs
- Pruning Deciduous Trees
- Pruning Evergreens
- Pseudoscorpions
- Purple Bordered Leaf Spot
- Purple Heart, Tradescantia pallida
- Purple Loosestrife
- Queen Anne's Lace, Daucus carota
- Rabbit Ecology and Damage Management
- Raccoon Ecology and Damage Management
- Rain Barrels
- Raised Beds and Containers for Community Gardens
- Ralstonia Wilt
- Ramps, Allium tricoccum
- Raspberry Anthracnose
- Raspberry Disorder: Fire Blight
- Rattlesnake Master, Eryngium yuccifolium
- Red Star Rust
- Red Thread
- Reducing Soil pH
- Rhizosphaera Needle Cast
- Rhubarb, Rheum rhabarbarum
- River Birch, Betula nigra
- Robber Flies (Asilidae)
- Romanesco
- Root and Crown Rots
- Root Rots in the Garden
- Root Rots on Houseplants
- Root-Knot Nematode
- Rootstocks for Fruit Trees in Wisconsin
- Rose Campion, Lychnis coronaria
- Rose Rust
- Rosemary, Rosemarinus officinalis
- Roseslug Sawfly
- Rove Beetles (Staphylinidae)
- Ruby grass, Melinus nerviglumis
- Russian sage, Perovskia atriplicifolia
- Safely Using Manure in the Garden
- Safely Using Produce from Flooded Gardens
- Sage, Salvia officinalis
- Sampling Garden Soils and Turf Areas for Testing
- San José Scale
- Sawflies
- Sawtoothed Grain Beetle
- Saying Bye-Bye to Boxwood Blight: Proper Disposal of Holiday Wreaths
- Scale Insects
- Scales
- Scarlet Runner Bean, Phaseolus coccineus
- Scarlet sage, Salvia coccinea
- Scorch and Related Problems in Trees and Shrubs
- Sea thrift, Armeria maritima
- Seed Starting
- Selecting Woody Landscape Plants for Fall Color: An Illustrated Guide
- Septoria Leaf Spot
- Serviceberry, Amelanchier spp.
- Shade Trees Disorder: Decline, Dieback, or Early Senescence
- Shamrocks, Oxalis spp.
- Shooting star, Dodecatheon meadia
- Silver Leaf
- Silver Sage, Salvia argentea
- Silver spotted skipper, Epargyreus clarus
- Skunk cabbage, Symplocarpus foetidus
- Skunk Ecology and Damage Management
- Slime Molds
- Slugs
- Small Aloes – Interesting, Colorful, and Easy Succulents
- Snowdrops, Galanthus spp.
- Soil Contaminants in Community Gardens
- Solomon’s Seal, Polygonatum spp.
- Southern Blight
- Sowbugs
- Specialized Gardening Techniques: Wide-Row Planting, Square-Foot Gardening and Raised Beds
- Spider flower, Cleome hassleriana
- Spider plant, Chlorophytum comosum
- Spinach, Spinacia oleracea
- Spittlebugs
- Spongy Moth
- Spotted deadnettle, Lamium maculatum
- Spotted Lanternfly
- Spotted Spurge, Chamaesyce (=Euphorbia) maculata
- Spotted Tentiform Leafminer, Phyllonorycter blancardella
- Spotted Wing Drosophila
- Spring Vegetables
- Springtails
- Spruce Spider Mite
- Squash Bug
- Squash Bug, Anasa tristis
- Squash Vine Borer
- Squash Vine Borer
- Squash Vine Borer, Melittia cucurbitae
- Staghorn Fern, Platycerium bifurcatum
- Star Magnolia, Magnolia stellata
- Starting a Community Garden—How to Put Your Plot on the Path to Success
- Stinkhorns
- Storing Tender “Bulbs” for Winter
- Strategies for Identifying and Managing Insect Pests
- Strategies for Identifying and Managing Plant Diseases
- Strawberry Pest Management for Home Gardeners
- String of Hearts, Ceropegia woodii
- String of Pearls, Senecio rowleyanus
- Sudden Oak Death
- Summer Flowering Trees, Shrubs and Vines
- Summer Vegetables (Part 1)
- Summer Vegetables (Part 2)
- Supina Bluegrass for Lawns, Golf Courses and Athletic Fields
- Supporting Native Bees: Our Essential Pollinators
- Sweet Alyssum, Lobularia maritima
- Sweet Bay, Laurus nobilis
- Sweet Woodruff, Galium odorata
- Swiss Chard
- Swiss Needle Cast
- Swiss-Cheese Plant, Monstera deliciosa
- Switch Grass, Panicum virgatum
- Tachinid Flies
- Tall / Common Waterhemp
- Tar Spot of Trees and Shrubs
- Tatters
- Ten Common Plant Diseases/Disorders You Can Diagnose by Eye
- The Basics of Micro Irrigation
- The Vegetable Garden
- Thousand Cankers Disease
- Three Flowered Maple, Acer triflorum
- Thyronectria Canker
- Tips for Getting Landscape Plants Ready for Winter
- Tizón Tardío (Late Blight)
- Tobacco Mosaic
- Tobacco Rattle
- Tomato Disorder: Physiological Fruit Problems
- Tomato Disorder: Post-Harvest Fruit Diseases
- Tomato Pruning
- Tomato Spotted Wilt of Potato
- Top Ornamental Crabapples for Wisconsin
- Training and Pruning Apple Trees
- Tree Species Recommended for Fall Planting
- Trees and Shrubs for Diversity and Climate Change
- Trellising, Staking and Caging – Vertical gardening techniques for vine-type vegetables
- Tropical Milkweed, Asclepias currasavica
- Tubakia (Actinopelte) Leaf Spot
- Turf Diseases of the Great Lakes Region
- Turfgrass Disorder: Chinch Bug
- Turfgrass Disorder: Greenbug
- Turtlehead, Chelone spp.
- Twinleaf, Jeffersonia diphylla
- Two Lined Chestnut Borer
- Twospotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae
- Typhula Blight
- Using Cover Crops and Green Manures in the Home Vegetable Garden
- Using Crop Rotation in Home Vegetable Garden
- Using Manure in the Home Garden
- Using Wood Ash in the Home Garden
- Variegated Purple Moor Grass, Molinia caerulea ‘Variegata’
- Variegated Shell Ginger, Alpinia zerumbet ‘Variegata’
- Vegetable Disease Quick Reference
- Vegetable Leafminers
- Vegetable Varieties for Containers
- Velvetleaf, Abutilon theophrasti
- Verticillium Wilt of Trees and Shrubs
- Verticillium Wilt of Vegetables
- Viburnum Borer
- Viburnum Leaf Beetle
- Vine Crops Disease: Phytophthora Blight
- Vine Crops Disorder: Angular Leaf Spot
- Vine Crops Disorder: Anthracnose
- Vine Crops Disorder: Powdery Mildew
- Vine Crops Disorder: Scab
- Virginia Bluebells, Mertensia virginica
- Virginia Creeper, Parthenocissus quinquefolia
- Virginia waterleaf, Hydrophyllum virginianum
- Volutella Blight
- Watercore of Apple
- Webworms
- Weir’s Cushion Rust of Spruces
- Western Conifer Seed Bug
- What’s the deal with “No Mow May?”
- Wheat celosia, Celosia spicata
- When Are Apples Ripe?
- White Grub Control in Turfgrass
- White Grubs on Christmas Trees
- White Mold
- White Pine Blister Rust
- White-lined Sphinx Moth, Hyles lineata
- Whiteflies
- Wild Buckwheat – Polygonum convolvulus
- Wild cucumber invading area with Vijai Pandian (August 26, 2019)
- Wild Cucumber, Echinocystis lobata
- Wild Geranium, Geranium maculatum
- Wild Ginger, Asarum spp.
- Wild Parsnip
- Willowleaf bluestar, Amsonia tabernaemontana
- Winecups, Callirhoe involucrata
- Winter Aconite, Eranthis hyemalis
- Winter Burn
- Winter Salt Injury and Salt-tolerant Landscape Plants
- Wireworms
- Wisconsin Bee Identification Guide
- Wisconsin Lawn Care Calendar
- Wood Mulch and Tree Health
- Woodland Phlox, Phlox divaricata
- Woodpecker Ecology & Damage Management
- Woody Ornamentals Pest Management in Wisconsin
- WPR Garden Talk: Composting 101 and other gardening topics with Vijai Pandian (October 4, 2019)
- WPR Garden Talk: Fall Lawn Care with Paul Koch
- WPR Garden Talk: Late Summer Threats by Lisa Johnson & Brian Hudelson (August 10, 2019)
- Yard and Garden Cleanup with Diseases and Insects in Mind
- Yellow Archangel, Lamiastrum galeobdolon
- Yellow Coneflower, Echinacea paradoxa
- Yellow Corydalis, Corydalis lutea
- Yellow Foxglove, Digitalis grandiflora
- Yellow Goatsbeard, Tragopogon spp.
- Yellow toadflax, Linaria vulgaris
- Yellow Wax Bells, Kirengeshoma palmata
- Zimmerman Pine Moth
- Zinnias