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Plant Diagnostics Course

Plant Diagnostics: The Step-by-Step Approach to Identifying Plant Problems is an online asynchronous course designed to introduce you to the process of plant diagnostics.

Man pruning boxwood shrub into spherical shape

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Timely Articles for Winter Gardens

Choosing the Right Christmas Tree

Christmas trees offer consumers a chance to bring nature indoors for a few weeks each December. Whether you choose a pre-cut tree available at a local tree lot or garden center or cut your own tree from a farm, you will have several tree species to choose from.

Houseplant Care

Houseplants offer many benefits beyond beautifying a space. Not only can they improve the air quality in your home, they also can improve your mental well-being and reduce stress through basic care techniques.

African Violets

Amy Gibbs* and Brian Hudelson, UW-Madison Plant PathologyRevised:  4/26/2010Item number:  XHT1034 What are African violets?  African violets (Saintpaulia spp.) are popular flowering houseplants in the Gesneriad family (Gesneriaceae), native to Tanzania in East Africa.  Their compact forms make them ideal for use on tabletops, windowsills, and hanging baskets.  There are many varieties of African violets, […]

image of insects stuck to yellow trap

Fungus Gnats on Houseplants

Fungus gnats (Family Sciaridae) are insects commonly associated with overwatered houseplants. They can become a nuisance when they are present in large numbers and fly around inside a home. In most situations, fungus gnats are a cosmetic problem. However, on occasion, fungus gnat larvae can cause plant damage.

Pruning Deciduous Trees

Proper pruning controls tree size, directs growth, influences flowering, and maintains tree health and appearance. Learn how in this factsheet.

A seasonal wreath made from boxwood branches

Saying Bye-Bye to Boxwood Blight: Proper Disposal of Holiday Wreaths

Holiday decorations containing boxwood foliage can be a source of disease for boxwoods in our landscapes. Learn more in this article.

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