Root Rots in the Garden

Root rot is a general term that describes any disease where the causal organism attacks and leads to the deterioration of a plant’s root system. Learn about root roots and their management in this factsheet.

Seed Starting

Starting your garden from seeds might be easier than you think. Check out this article to get practical tips on starting your plants from seeds.


Many of our food crops require or benefit from pollination by insects. Learn about common pollinators in Wisconsin and how to attract and support them in your yard and garden in this factsheet.

Reducing Soil pH

Proper soil pH allows plants to efficiently take up nutrients. Learn how to reduce high soil pH in this factsheet.

Common Purslane, Portulaca oleracea

Portulaca oleracea is a low-growing plant with succulent leaves. This annual grows quickly to produce a mat of tart-flavored edible leaves. Because of its fast growth, prolific seed production, and ability to survive in all types of soils, most people think of it as a pest, but some consider it a vegetable. To learn more about this edible weed, read this article…

Tomato Pruning

Tomatoes are a popular vegetable that many people grow in their home gardens. Pruning tomatoes can create stronger and healthier plants that will grow larger numbers of higher quality tomato fruits later into the growing season.

Landscaping In Spite of Black Walnuts

Black walnut trees can have a dramatic, negative affect on certain plants. To learn more about juglone toxicity and which plants are suceptible, read this article…

Tobacco Mosaic

Tobacco mosaic causing a blotchy light and dark coloring (mosaic) of tobacco leaves. Tobacco mosaic causing a blotchy light and dark coloring (mosaic) of tobacco leaves.

Verticillium Wilt of Vegetables

This factsheet covers Verticillium wilt, a typically fatal disease that affects a wide range of vegetable crops and other plants. Symptoms include sudden yellowing of foliage.

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