Mighty Mites

Did you know that there are mites that eat other mites? Barely visible to the naked eye, these little predators help keep spider mites and other pests in check. Read on to learn more about this fascinating world of tiny predatory mites…

Three Flowered Maple, Acer triflorum

Are you looking for a small tree with great fall color and winter interest? The Asian maple Acer triflorum fits the bill. Learn more about this attractive species in this article…

Fall Webworm, Hyphantrea cunea

Large silken webs on the ends of branches on trees may be the nests of fall webworm, which feeds on many different shade trees and deciduous ornamental trees. To learn more about fall webworm, read this article…


Hanging high in trees in warmer climates, mistletoe is a plant that has a long history of myth and tradition dating back to ancient times. To find out more about this interesting group of parasitic plants, read this article…

'Tiger Eyes' Staghorn Sumac, Rhus typhina

Tiger Eyes™, offers a long season of interest with deeply-cut, almost lacy leaves that start yellow and turn orange in fall. Learn more about Tiger Eyes™ sumac in this article…

Amur Cherry, Prunus maackii

Amur cherry is a small tree from the Far East that has cinnamon-brown exfoliating bark that is most prominent in winter, when the leaves have fallen. To learn more about this attractive tree hardy to zone 2, read this article…

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