Nectria Canker

Nectria canker is a common and potentially lethal disease that affects many species of trees and shrubs. This factsheet describes what nectria canker looks like and management options.

Southern Blight

Southern blight is a lethal fungal disease that is most common in the tropics and subtropics, but can cause problems in temperate locations like Wisconsin during periods of warm, moist weather. Learn more here.


Tatters is a leaf disorder affecting primarily trees in the white oak group. This factsheet has more information about what Tatters is and symptoms to watch for.

Tubakia (Actinopelte) Leaf Spot

Tubakia (Actinopelte) leaf spot is a common late-season leaf disease of oaks, especially those in the read oak group. Learn symptoms and management in this factsheet.

Crown Gall

Crown gall is the most widely distributed bacterial disease of plants in the world. This factsheet describes what crown gall looks like and how to avoid problems with this disease.

Butternut Canker

Butternut canker is a fungal disease that affects native butternut trees, causing multiple cankers on trunks and branches, eventually killing the trees. Learn to recognize this disease in this factsheet.

Bird’s Nest Fungi

Bird’s nest fungi are not harmful to plants, but grow on decomposing organic matter, such as on mulch in planting beds with damp, shady conditions. Learn more in this factsheet.

Black Spot

Black spot is a common and potentially serious leaf spot disease affecting many types of roses. Learn about symptoms and management in this factsheet.


Mealybugs are slow-moving, small, oval insects covered in white cottony wax. This factsheet describes the identification, biology and management of this insect pest.

Two Lined Chestnut Borer

This factsheet describes two-lined chestnut borer, which is attracked to stressed and weakened oaks and is the most important insect cause of oak mortality.

Dead Man’s Fingers

Dead man’s fingers is the name of a mushroom-like fungal growth that can be found at the base of dead or dying trees and shrubs, as well as wood objects. Learn about this distinctive fungus in this factsheet.

Cicada Killer Wasps

Cicada killer wasps are common in the southern part of Wisconsin. These non-aggressive wasps feed on cicadas. Learn more in this factsheet.

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