Rootstocks for Fruit Trees in Wisconsin

Fruit trees are propagated by budding or grafting onto special rootstocks. Some nurseries offer trees with a choice of rootstocks. Learn more about how rootstocks affect your backyard trees here.

Root-Knot Nematode

Root-knot nematodes are small, soilborne, worm-like organisms that infect many agricultural and horticultural plants. This publication describes the symptoms, and management of root-knot nematodes in Wisconsin.

Foliar Nematodes

Foliar nematodes are microscopic worm-like organisms that live in and on leaves (and other above-ground plants parts). Learn what to look for and how to manage foliar nematodes in this factsheet.

Brown Rot

Brown rot is a destructive fungal disease of the genus Prunus, including plums, cherries, apricots, and peaches. This factsheet will help you identify and manage brown rot.

Nectria Canker

Nectria canker is a common and potentially lethal disease that affects many species of trees and shrubs. This factsheet describes what nectria canker looks like and management options.

Southern Blight

Southern blight is a lethal fungal disease that is most common in the tropics and subtropics, but can cause problems in temperate locations like Wisconsin during periods of warm, moist weather. Learn more here.

Plum Pox

Plum pox, aka “sharka”, is a virus disease that affects stone fruits such as plums, peaches, apricots and nectarines, making fruit deformed, tasteless and inedible. Learn about symptoms and management here.

Crown Gall

Crown gall is the most widely distributed bacterial disease of plants in the world. This factsheet describes what crown gall looks like and how to avoid problems with this disease.

Bird’s Nest Fungi

Bird’s nest fungi are not harmful to plants, but grow on decomposing organic matter, such as on mulch in planting beds with damp, shady conditions. Learn more in this factsheet.

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