White Grubs on Christmas Trees

White grubs, the larval stage of Junebugs, can be an important pest in Christmas tree and other conifer plantings. Learn to identify white grub damage, and management, in this factsheet.

Pruning Evergreens

Pruning can help control the size of an evergreen, direct growth, or maintain plant health and appearance. Learn how to prune evergreens in this factsheet.

Plants Not Favored by Deer

If deer visit your property, before planting (or replanting), check out this list of trees, shrubs, flowers, herbs, and grasses that deer tend to avoid.

Winter Burn

This publication covers winter burn, a common problem of evergreens including those with broad leaves, needles and scale-like leaves grown in open, unprotected locations and exposed to severe winter conditions.

Wood Mulch and Tree Health

Wood mulch can contribute to tree and shrub health in many ways, but at times can be harmful. Learn more in this factsheet.

Spongy Moth

Spongy moth (formerly gypsy moth) is a destructive insect when the caterpillars occur in large numbers and defoliate trees. This factsheet will help with identification and management of this pest.


Aphids are soft-bodied, insects that feed on plant sap and subsequently excrete a sugary substance that can attract ants as well as support a saprophytic fungus called sooty mold. Learn about aphids found in home gardens in this factsheet.

Herbicide Damage

Herbicide damage is any adverse, undesired effect on a plant that is caused by exposure of that plant to a pesticide designed for weed control. Learn symptoms and more in this factsheet.

Armillaria Root Disease

Armillaria root disease, also known as shoestring root rot, can affect most conifer and hardwood species, and is an often lethal disease of tree and shrub roots and lower stems. Learn more in this factsheet.

Aphids, in-depth

Aphids are really fascinating insects, with bizarre lifestyles and eating habits Learn more about this large group of insects and how to manage them in the garden in this article…

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