5 Steps to Plant a Tree
Interested in planting a tree on your property? Take a look at this tree planting article to learn best practices.
Trees and shrubs are the backbone of our landscapes. Properly placed and well-maintained landscape plants help conserve energy, provide shade, increase the property values, attract wildlife, offer privacy and help us create peaceful outdoor living environments.
Interested in planting a tree on your property? Take a look at this tree planting article to learn best practices.
In winter, young trees are prone to a variety of hazards. In this video, learn how you can mitigate that damage by protecting young trees from potential wildlife damage and how to effectively protect trunks from winter sunscald damage.
By: PJ Liesch, Extension Entomology Specialist Even though insects can cause damage to our plants, not all of them are harmful. In this video, you will learn how to look for signs of insects, why identification is required, and different control options and methods. The first step in the management process of insects in yards […]
By: Lisa Johnson, Horticulture Outreach Specialist In this video, learn how to protect susceptible plants from snow and cold damage. This video includes how to protect woody plants and provides recommendations for proper mulching and watering that will help your plants through the fall and survive the winter. To help your landscape plants survive the […]
This fact sheet provided a list of 10 relatively easy to identify plant diseases.
If you’ve noticed masses or writhing, dark green “caterpillars” on your pine trees this spring, you likely have an infestation of European pine sawfly. To learn more about this pest, read this article…
Quick reference of signs and symptoms of common conifer diseases in Wisconsin.
Proper planting techniques ensure long survival and good health of trees. This brochure shows how to correctly plant balled and burlapped trees and shrubs.
Plant selection is one of the most important decisions a gardener, landscaper or designer makes. Learn more about selecting plants in this publication.
While Zimmerman pine moth prefers Austrian and Scots pines, it will also attack Eastern white and mugo pines in the landscape. Learn about damage caused by this pest and control strategies in this factsheet.
Rhizosphaera needle cast is the most common disease of Colorado blue spruce in Wisconsin, and can also affect other conifers. This factsheet covers identification and management of this disease.
White pine blister rust is a serious, tree-killing disease of eastern white pine and its close relatives. Learn how to manage this disease in this factsheet.