Lemon-scented Plants

If you want to add some lemon zest to your garden, but can’t grow a lemon tree, consider trying some lemon-scented herbs or other plants. This article covers plants that have scents suggesting lemons.

Living Stones: Lithops

Plants that look like rocks? Those would be living stones, in the genus Lithops. These are small succulent plants that survive in their harsh environment by having much of the plant body below ground, and only the wide leaf end visible above the rocky ground. To learn more about these fascinating plants that make good houseplants, read this article…

Burro’s Tail, Sedum morganianum

Burro’s tail is a low maintenance houseplant best grown in hanging containers that will showcase its fleshy, bluish green leaves covering the long, drooping stems. This succulent tender perennial does best in bright light and can be moved outdoors during the growing season. To learn more about Sedum morganianum, read this article…

Kahili Ginger, Hedychium gardnerianum

If you want a glamorous and spectacular plant to bring an exotic look to your garden, and sweetly fragrant flowers, try growing kahili ginger. This showy subtropical plant is an attractive foliage plant even when it doesn’t have its terminal spikes of striking yellow and red fragrant flowers. To learn more about Hedychium gardnerianum, read this article…

Flowering Maple, Abutilon spp.

Flowering maples aren’t real maples, but they have palmate leaves that look similar to that tree’s leaves, and much more spectacular flowers than true maples have. Also commonly referred to by just the genus name Abutilon, these tender sub-shrubs can be used as seasonal accent plants or grown indoors to bloom year-round. For more about flowering maples read this article…

Elephant Bush, Portulacaria afra

Many succulents make interesting houseplants. If you want something easy to grow with an interesting name, try elephant bush. This South African native is a favorite food of pachyderms that can grow up to 15 feet tall, but it also adapts readily to container culture. Learn more about Portulacaria afra in this article….

Boston Fern, Nephrolepis exaltata ‘Bostoniensis’

Boston fern is a selection of tropical sword fern that has been used as an ornamental since Victorian times.  Readily adaptable to growing in containers, it is a natural in hanging baskets and in elevated containers as a houseplant, but also can be used as a seasonal foliage plant in the garden. To learn more about Boston fern, read this article…

Amaryllis, Hippeastrum

Amaryllis bulbs make wonderful holiday gifts and are a welcome sight during a long cold winter with their large, colorful long-lasting flowers. If you can provide the right conditions, it’s not hard to maintain the plants after flowering in order to get them to rebloom the following year. To learn more about these bulbs, read this article…


Colorful flowers are always welcome indoors in the winter. Cyclamen persicum is a tender plant that is grown as a houseplant for its bright white, pink or red flowers that can bloom for months.  It may be difficult to provide the right conditions to get this plant to rebloom, however. To learn more about what cyclamen needs to thrive, read this article…

Pink Rain Lily, Zephyranthes grandiflora

If you want to grow something a little different, with grassy foliage and relatively large flowers, consider pink rain lily. This tender bulb gets its common name from the color of the flowers that burst into bloom after a good rain. Easy to grow in containers, it makes a good summer patio plant or a year-round houseplant. Learn more in this article…

Insect Pest Management for Greenhouses

This handy chart lists pesticides that are most effective against common greenhouse pests such as aphids, scales, leafminers, spider mites, and thrips. Formulation, effectiveness, cautions, and other details are provided.


Amy Gibbs* and Brian Hudelson, UW-Madison Plant Pathology Revised:  5/11/2010 Item number:  XHT1035 What are orchids?  Orchids belong to the orchid family (Orchidaceae) and are exotic plants grown for their beautiful, showy, and long lasting flowers.  Although most species of orchids are epiphytic (i.e., naturally grow on trees or other plants), some grow on rocks […]

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