Using Wood Ash in the Home Garden

Wood ash can provide certain soil nutrients, and can be used to raise soil pH. However, if used incorrectly or excessively, problems can occur. Learn more in this factsheet.

Entomophthora muscae

Have you ever noticed a dead fly hanging with outstretched wings from a flower stalk or glued to the window in your house? These insects likely succumbed to a fungus that only affects flies. This insect destroyer called Entomophthora muscae is actually fairly common, infecting several types of flies related to house flies. To learn more about this fungus, read this article…


Not everyone knows that plant roots have symbiotic relationships with certain types of fungi. These mycorrhizae help the plant absorb nutrients from the soil that are otherwise difficult to obtain and often provide some protection against soil-borne diseases. In exchange the plant suppliesfood to the fungus. To learn more about mycorrhizae, read this article…

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