
Lichens are organisms that arise from mutually beneficial interactions between certain fungi and algae. Learn about these harmless, and very common organisms in this factsheet.

Floating Row Cover

Floating row cover is a great addition to any vegetable garden, as it can be used for several different purposes and is easy to use. Learn more about these specially designed fabrics in this article.


Many of our food crops require or benefit from pollination by insects. Learn about common pollinators in Wisconsin and how to attract and support them in your yard and garden in this factsheet.

Hardiness Maps

Maps related to cold hardiness zones so you can choose plants that can survive winter in your area.

Reducing Soil pH

Proper soil pH allows plants to efficiently take up nutrients. Learn how to reduce high soil pH in this factsheet.

Odorous House Ants

Odorous house ants (Tapinoma sessile) can be found across the United States and are one of the most common ants found in and around structures in Wisconsin. These ants are known for their fondness for sugary foods and their distinctive odor when crushed.

Mulches for Home Gardens and Plantings

Boost your garden’s production with mulches. This publication shows when to use organic mulches, like bark or leaves, and synthetic mulches, like plastic sheets, and teaches how to apply them.

Safely Using Manure in the Garden

Manure can be a valuable soil additive, but can also contain bacteria that can contaminate vegetables and cause human disease if not composted properly. Learn how to use manure safely here.

Making and Using Compost in the Garden

Making your own compost is an easy, practical, and satisfying way to make use of yard waste and table scraps. With this publication, designed for the home gardener, you’ll be composting like a pro in no time!

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