El tizón tardío es una enfermedad destructiva de los tomates y de las papas que puede matar a las plantas maduras y causar que los frutos del tomate y los tubérculos de la papa no sean comestibles. Esta enfermedad también afecta, aunque típicamente en menor grado, a las berengenas y a los pimientos así como a malezas relacionadas como la hierba mora.
After flooding occurs, gardeners often raise questions about the safety of consuming produce from gardens that were under water for a day or two.
By: Amanda Gevens, Professor and Integrated Extension Specialist Plants can be affected by fungus, bacteria, viruses and other factors. In this video, you will learn how to look for symptoms of plant disease, cultural methods to reduce disease pressure, and other management practices. Plant disease is an abnormal response in plant health to a pathogen, […]
This fact sheet provided a list of 10 relatively easy to identify plant diseases.
The Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica, is a significant pest of landscape trees and shrubs, vegetable and fruit crops, and turfgrass. This factsheet describes the lifecycle of this beetle along with management and control options.
This free publication describes the importance of bees in pollinating major food crops, how to attract and support native pollinators, and how to construct, place, and maintain nests.
Brown marmorated stink bug is a non-native pest that feeds on awide range of plants. This insect is also a nusiance when it overwinters indoors. Learn about identification and management in this factsheet.
Gray mold (or Botrytis blight) is a common and often serious fungal disease that can affect plants of all kinds. Learn more in this factsheet.
Save money and protect the environment by having your soil tested before applying lime and fertilizer. This concise publication tells you when and how to sample and where to send it for testing.
Aphids are soft-bodied, insects that feed on plant sap and subsequently excrete a sugary substance that can attract ants as well as support a saprophytic fungus called sooty mold. Learn about aphids found in home gardens in this factsheet.
Herbicide damage is any adverse, undesired effect on a plant that is caused by exposure of that plant to a pesticide designed for weed control. Learn symptoms and more in this factsheet.
Aphids are really fascinating insects, with bizarre lifestyles and eating habits Learn more about this large group of insects and how to manage them in the garden in this article…