Japanese Beetle

The Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica, is a significant pest of landscape trees and shrubs, vegetable and fruit crops, and turfgrass. This factsheet describes the lifecycle of this beetle along with management and control options.

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

Brown marmorated stink bug is a non-native pest that feeds on awide range of plants. This insect is also a nusiance when it overwinters indoors. Learn about identification and management in this factsheet.


Aphids are soft-bodied, insects that feed on plant sap and subsequently excrete a sugary substance that can attract ants as well as support a saprophytic fungus called sooty mold. Learn about aphids found in home gardens in this factsheet.

Aphids, in-depth

Aphids are really fascinating insects, with bizarre lifestyles and eating habits Learn more about this large group of insects and how to manage them in the garden in this article…

Degree Day Calculation

Degree Days incorporate temperature and time to quantify the rate of plant and insect development. This useful tool helps predict events such as flowering, harvest, and pest outbreaks.


Phenology is a branch of science that studies the life cycles of plants and animals with seasonal changes and weather. Learn more in this factsheet.


White blobs of bubbles on plants are created by the insects called spittlebugs, and their foam helps protect them. To find out more about these creatures, read this article…

Floating Row Cover

Floating row cover is a great addition to any vegetable garden, as it can be used for several different purposes and is easy to use. Learn more about these specially designed fabrics in this article.

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