With brightly colored flowers in shades of pink to red, white and bicolors, blooming holiday cactus plants are a welcome sight at this time of year, but not all types bloom in late December. Many specimens have been kept as houseplants for years, or even decades. To learn more about the various plants called holiday cactus, read this article…
White pine blister rust is a serious, tree-killing disease of eastern white pine and its close relatives. Learn how to manage this disease in this factsheet.
Spruce spider mites can attack a number of conifers including spruce, hemlock, arborvitae, larch and juniper. Learn about the life cycle and management techniques in this factsheet.
Many plants grown from mbulbs can be forced to bloom indoors during the winter. Learn how to choose, plant, and provide the right conditions to enjjoy spring-flowering blooms indoors while its still winter outside.
Phomopsis tip blight is one of the most common fungal disease of conifers, including junipers, arborvitae, firs, larch and jack pine. This factsheet describes symptoms and management of this tip blight.
Pine root colar weevil is a destructive pest of pines, including Austrian, Scots, red and Eastern white. Learn synptoms and how to protect your trees in this factsheet.
Cytospora canker is one of themost common fungal diseases of Colorado blue spruce, and can also affect other spruce and firs. Learn about symptoms and management in this factsheet.
Diplodia shoot blight and canker is one of the most common fungal diseases of Austrian pine in Wisconsin, and can also affect other pines as well as other conifers including cedars, cypresses, firs, junipers and spruces. Learn more here.
Ips bark beetle, also known as the pine engraver, is an insect that attacks and kills weak, stressed, declining and dying pine and spruce trees. Identification and management are covered in this fact sheet.
Learn about tree decline and dieback symptoms and how to prevent and treat problems that occur in this publication
A common needle blight, Dothistroma can affect over 30 species of pine trees, especially Austrian pine. Learn symptoms and management of this disease in this facthsheet.
Swiss needle cast is a fungal disease of Douglas fir. Symptoms and management of this disease are described in this factsheet.