Crown Gall
Crown gall is the most widely distributed bacterial disease of plants in the world. This factsheet describes what crown gall looks like and how to avoid problems with this disease.
Crown gall is the most widely distributed bacterial disease of plants in the world. This factsheet describes what crown gall looks like and how to avoid problems with this disease.
Butternut canker is a fungal disease that affects native butternut trees, causing multiple cankers on trunks and branches, eventually killing the trees. Learn to recognize this disease in this factsheet.
Bird’s nest fungi are not harmful to plants, but grow on decomposing organic matter, such as on mulch in planting beds with damp, shady conditions. Learn more in this factsheet.
Black spot is a common and potentially serious leaf spot disease affecting many types of roses. Learn about symptoms and management in this factsheet.
Early blight is a common fungal disease that can devastate tomatoes in commercial and home gardens. Learn about symptoms and management in this factsheet.
Various trellising, staking and caging techniques can be used with vine-type fruits and vegetables to enhance yield, minimize disease, and ease harvesting. Find techniques for your garden here.
Phil Pellitteri, UW Insect Diagnostic Lab Revised: 17/12/2016 Item number: XHT1108 Millipedes can become pests in late summer and fall, as well as during wet periods, when they are found in large numbers in and around the home. These harmless, hard-shelled, segmented worms feed on decaying organic matter in the soil and can be easily […]
Rachel Arango, UW-Madison Entomology and Phil Pellitteri, UW Insect Diagnostic Lab Revised: 1/27/2008 Item number: XHT1160 Background: Native to Europe, pavement ants were introduced into eastern North America in the 1700’s, and have become a common indoor problem in Wisconsin in recent years. Pavement ants feed on foods rich in proteins (e.g., meats, nuts, cheese), […]
Onion thrips are an important annual pest of onion, and can attack other garden crops as well, including leeks and garlic. Learn about these pests in this factsheet.
Onion maggots are a common and often serious pest of plants in the onion family, including onions, leeks, shallots, garlic and chives. Learn about these pests, the damage they cause, and control here.
Mealybugs are slow-moving, small, oval insects covered in white cottony wax. This factsheet describes the identification, biology and management of this insect pest.
Phil Pellitteri, UW Insect Diagnostic Lab Revised: 1/20/2009 Item number: XHT1184 The masked hunter bug (Reduvius personatus) is a type of assassin bug that is commonly found indoors. The common name of this insect comes from the fact that the immature stage of the insect (the nymph) covers itself with dust and debris. These true […]