Turfgrass Disorder: Chinch Bug
Chinch bug infestations can cause serious injury to lawns, especially those with fescue or bentgrass. Find more information about symptoms, prevention and control in this helpful publication.
Chinch bug infestations can cause serious injury to lawns, especially those with fescue or bentgrass. Find more information about symptoms, prevention and control in this helpful publication.
Helminthosporium disease affects cool season turfgrasses and can severely reduce the appearance of a lawn and lead to expensive lawn renovations. Learn more in this factsheet.
Supina bluegrass is a potential new grass for areas with dense shade or high traffic. Read this publication to find out where supina bluegrass should and should not be planted, and how to care for it.
This factsheet covers root/crown rot, which is a general term that describes disease of woody ornamentals where the causal organism attacks a plant’s root system and/or lower trunk or branches near the soil.
Purple-bordered leaf spot (also called eye spot or Phyllosticta leaf spot) is a common, but mostly cosmetic, disease on maples. This factsheet describes symptoms and management.
Susan Mahr, UW Horticulture Revised: 5/11/2010 Item number: XHT1163 What are ornamental cabbage and kale? Ornamental cabbage and kale (also known as “flowering” cabbage and kale) are in the same species (Brassica oleracea) as edible cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. While ornamental cabbage and kale are edible, they tend to have a bitter flavor and are […]
Amy Gibbs* and Brian Hudelson, UW-Madison Plant Pathology Revised: 5/11/2010 Item number: XHT1035 What are orchids? Orchids belong to the orchid family (Orchidaceae) and are exotic plants grown for their beautiful, showy, and long lasting flowers. Although most species of orchids are epiphytic (i.e., naturally grow on trees or other plants), some grow on rocks […]
What is impatiens necrotic spot? Impatiens necrotic spot is a viral disease that causes considerable losses to greenhouse-grown ornamentals and, to a lesser extent, vegetable crops. In the southern United States, impatiens necrotic spot can also be a problem on field crops. Ornamental crops affected by impatiens necrotic spot include impatiens, gloxinia, cineraria, cyclamen, exacum, […]
Magnolia scale sucks plant sap and excretes drippy, sticky honeydew which can turn black with mold growth. Learn more, including control, in this factsheet.
Guignardia leaf spot is a fungal leaf spot that affects vining plants such as Boston ivy and Virginia-creeper, and is associated with a leaf spot and fruit rot of grape called black rot. Learn more here.
Golden canker is a visually distinct and common disease of alternate-leafed dogwoods such as pagoda dogwood, which can be lethal if on the main trunk of a tree. Learn more in this factsheet.
Euonymus scale attacks evergreen shrub and vine forms of euonymus, along with privet, bittersweet and pachysandra. Learn to identify and manage euonymus scale in this factsheet.