Potato Scab

This factsheet covers potato scab, a common disease of potato tubers, and can also affect other root vegetables. Learn how to identify and manage this disease in your garden.

Nectria Canker

Nectria canker is a common and potentially lethal disease that affects many species of trees and shrubs. This factsheet describes what nectria canker looks like and management options.

Southern Blight

Southern blight is a lethal fungal disease that is most common in the tropics and subtropics, but can cause problems in temperate locations like Wisconsin during periods of warm, moist weather. Learn more here.

Slime Molds

Ann Joy and Brian Hudelson, UW-Madison Plant Pathology Revised:  4/25/2004 Item number:  XHT1091 What is a slime mold?  Slime molds are members of a shape-shifting group of organisms called myxomycetes.  These organisms are found all over the world, even in deserts, high altitudes, and on the edges of snowbanks.  Although they often resemble fungi, slime […]

Septoria Leaf Spot

Septoria leaf spot is a common fungal disease that can devastate tomatoes. Learn how to identify and manage this disease in your garden in this helpful factsheet.

Larder Beetles

Phil Pellitteri, UW Insect Diagnostic Lab Revised:  4/27/2004 Item number:  XHT1051 Adult larder beetles (Dermestes lardarius) are 1∕3 inch long black beetles with a broad, pale tan, black spotted band across the front portion of the wing covers.  Larder beetle larvae are reddish brown and densely covered with short and long hairs, and have two […]

Home Vegetable Insecticides

While cultural methods are preferred to control insect damage in vegetable gardens, insecticides may be necessary at times. This factsheet lists products that control specific specific insect pests.

Indian Meal Moth

Phil Pellitteri, UW Insect Diagnostic Lab Revised:  4/27/2004 Item number:  XHT1047 Are little moths fluttering around the kitchen?  Are white worms crawling out of the bird seed?  A very common indoor pest at any time of the year is the Indian meal moth. Adult Indian meal moths are small insects with a wingspread of about […]


Tatters is a leaf disorder affecting primarily trees in the white oak group. This factsheet has more information about what Tatters is and symptoms to watch for.

Deer Flies and Horse Flies

Phil Pellitteri, UW Insect Diagnostic Lab Revised:  4/27/2004 Item number:  XHT1049 There are over 30 species of blood feeding deer flies (Chrysops) and horse flies (Tabanus, Hybomitra) found in Wisconsin.  They belong to a family of flies called the Tabanids.  Deer flies and horse flies can be active from May until September.  The adult females […]

Tubakia (Actinopelte) Leaf Spot

Tubakia (Actinopelte) leaf spot is a common late-season leaf disease of oaks, especially those in the read oak group. Learn symptoms and management in this factsheet.

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