Apple Disorder: Sooty Blotch and Flyspeck

Sooty blotch and flyspeck are separate diseases that often occur together on apple and pear fruit during late summer. This factsheet will hlep you better understand, identify, and control these diseases.

Rootstocks for Fruit Trees in Wisconsin

Fruit trees are propagated by budding or grafting onto special rootstocks. Some nurseries offer trees with a choice of rootstocks. Learn more about how rootstocks affect your backyard trees here.

Blanket flower, Gaillardia spp.

Every year, the National Garden Bureau selects one ornamental flower to feature in their “Year of the” program.  2015 is the Year of the Gaillardia. This native North American plant is both a common wildflower in places and a colorful garden ornamental, with new cultivars being developed all the time. Learn more about blanket flower in this article…

Hosta Virus X

Hosta virus X (HVX) is a viral disease that causes serious problems on many hosta cultivars, causing nursery owners and gardeners in the United States to voluntarily destroy large numbers of hosta to help prevent the spread. This fact sheet describes the symptoms and management of this virus.

Root-Knot Nematode

Root-knot nematodes are small, soilborne, worm-like organisms that infect many agricultural and horticultural plants. This publication describes the symptoms, and management of root-knot nematodes in Wisconsin.

Foliar Nematodes

Foliar nematodes are microscopic worm-like organisms that live in and on leaves (and other above-ground plants parts). Learn what to look for and how to manage foliar nematodes in this factsheet.

Iris Borer

Iris borer is the most serious pest of iris in Wisconsin. Iris plants attacked by iris borer will discolor, wilt, and die during late June and July. On close examination of affected plants, a pinkish-white caterpillar can be found feeding on the inside of rhizomes. This factsheet covers identification and control of this serious pest.

May/June Beetles

May/June beetles or “Junebugs” are native insects common throughout Wisconsin often be seen near lights on early summer evenings. Learn about these large beetles and their larva in the soil in this factsheet.

Amaryllis, Hippeastrum

Amaryllis bulbs make wonderful holiday gifts and are a welcome sight during a long cold winter with their large, colorful long-lasting flowers. If you can provide the right conditions, it’s not hard to maintain the plants after flowering in order to get them to rebloom the following year. To learn more about these bulbs, read this article…


Colorful flowers are always welcome indoors in the winter. Cyclamen persicum is a tender plant that is grown as a houseplant for its bright white, pink or red flowers that can bloom for months.  It may be difficult to provide the right conditions to get this plant to rebloom, however. To learn more about what cyclamen needs to thrive, read this article…

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