Powdery Mildew Remedies

Powdery Mildew is a disease that affects a lot of different plants. On most plants, it’s harmless. Find out if various home remedies you’ve heard about are effective in this video!

Root Rots in the Garden

Root rot is a general term that describes any disease where the causal organism attacks and leads to the deterioration of a plant’s root system. Learn about root roots and their management in this factsheet.

Scale Insects

Scale insects are often overlooked because they are immobile and look like small bumps that just might be plant parts. Learn more about this group of inconspicuous and atypical insects in this article…

Volutella Blight

Volutella blight is a common and potentially lethal disease of Japanese pachysandra. Learn about symptoms and management of Volutella blight in this factsheet.

Seed Starting

Starting your garden from seeds might be easier than you think. Check out this article to get practical tips on starting your plants from seeds.


Many of our food crops require or benefit from pollination by insects. Learn about common pollinators in Wisconsin and how to attract and support them in your yard and garden in this factsheet.

Hardiness Maps

Maps related to cold hardiness zones so you can choose plants that can survive winter in your area.

Reducing Soil pH

Proper soil pH allows plants to efficiently take up nutrients. Learn how to reduce high soil pH in this factsheet.

Controlling Creeping Charlie, Gleochoma hederaceae

Known by several common names, Glechoma hederaceae is a pest in lawns and gardens. Often called Creeping Charlie it thrives in moist, shady spots and is difficult to eradicate. Learn about this creeping nuisance in this article…

Queen Anne's Lace, Daucus carota

In mid-summer, the fields and roadsides are filled with airy white flowers of Queen Anne’s Lace, an introduced plant that is related to carrots. Learn more about this nearly-ubiquitous weed by reading this article…

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