Aphids, in-depth

Aphids are really fascinating insects, with bizarre lifestyles and eating habits Learn more about this large group of insects and how to manage them in the garden in this article…


Chlorosis is a common nutritional disorder of many woody ornamentals in Wisconsin, particularly in the southern and eastern parts of the state. This factsheet describes symptoms, causes and cures.

Degree Day Calculation

Degree Days incorporate temperature and time to quantify the rate of plant and insect development. This useful tool helps predict events such as flowering, harvest, and pest outbreaks.


Phenology is a branch of science that studies the life cycles of plants and animals with seasonal changes and weather. Learn more in this factsheet.

Garden Spiders

Spiders are good guys to gardeners, since they feed on other insects. There are a few main groups that are commonly found in gardens. To learn more about these fascinating arthropods, read this article…


There are many species of scales and they are difficult to control because of their protective covering. Learn to identify and manage scales in this factsheet.


White blobs of bubbles on plants are created by the insects called spittlebugs, and their foam helps protect them. To find out more about these creatures, read this article…


Edema is a physiological disorder that affects houseplants, greenhouse plants, and other plants sheltered under plastic. Learn about these fluid-filled “blisters” on leaves in this factsheet.

Cyclamen and Broad Mites

Cyclamen and broad mites are xtremely small and can infect plants in greenhouses and gardens. Learn the symptoms and management options in this factsheet.

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