Using Crop Rotation in Home Vegetable Garden
Crop rotation involves changing the planting location of vegetables each season to reduce damage from insect pests, limit diseases, and manage soil fertility. Learn the basics in this factsheet.
Crop rotation involves changing the planting location of vegetables each season to reduce damage from insect pests, limit diseases, and manage soil fertility. Learn the basics in this factsheet.
Lily Leaf Beetle, also known as red or scarlet lily beetle, can cause significant damage to native and cultivated true lilies. Learn how to identify and manage this insect in this factsheet.
Poison Ivy is a perennial woody plant that grows as either a low shrub or a climbing vine. Poison ivy is native to North America and is common in Wisconsin, growing in pastures, roadside ditches, fence rows, wooded forests, beaches and parks. Contact with poison ivy causes skin rashes, blisters and other allergic reactions. Learn identification and control in this factsheet.
Typhula blight, also known as gray or speckled snow mold, is a fungal disease affecting all cool season turf grasses grown in areas with prolonged snow cover. This factsheet describes how to manage this common fungus.
Above-ground gardening offers access for gardeners of all ages and abilities. This publication highlights key considerations for raised beds and containers, including construction, selection, soil, planting, and irrigation.
This detailed publication covers all the fundamentals of vegetable gardening, including plant selection, management and harvesting, to help home gardeners be successful.
Apple production can be a rewarding venture, but establishing a successful commercial operation takes time, skill, experience and capital. Learn how to establish a commercial orchard here.
To increase monarch populations, people are increasingly planting ornamental types of milkweed and encouraging common milkweed to grow wherever it occurs in uncultivated areas. While milkweed is beneficial to monarch populations, people need to be aware that it is toxic and can be lethal to animals, particularly horses and other equines.
Want to maximize your garden’s productivity and minimize potential crop problems? This publication will walk you through the basics of the most common crops grown in community gardens.
This detailed publication is packed with practical information for organic and conventional growers of cole crops, including broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, kale and kohlrabi.
This detailed publication provides practical information for organic and conventional growers of root crops including carrots, radishes, beets, parsnips, rutabagas, and turnips.
This publication has detailed information for growers of vine crops such as pumpkins, melons, cucumbers, gourds and squash, including selecting, planting, managing and harvesting in Wisconsin.