When Are Apples Ripe?

This factsheet helps you determine when various apple cultivars are ripe and ready to pick, as well as provides tips on harvesting and storing your bounty.

Home Fruit Insecticides

Managing fruit corp insect pests can be very challenging, and should involve an “integrated pest management” approach. This factsheet lists potential pesticides that may be appropriate.

Growing Blueberries in Containers

The blueberry is a wonderful fruit rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber, and vitamin E. Due to its popularity, there is a growing interest among gardeners to plant blueberries in backyard gardens.

Turf Diseases of the Great Lakes Region

This 32-page publication is packed with crisp pictures and detailed descriptions of turf diseases. Includes options for curing the problems along with turf care and maintenance tips.

Common Weed Seedlings of the North Central States

This detailed, illustrated guide will help you identify 54 of the most common problem weed species in the north central region of the United States. It is divided into two main sections: grass and grass-like weeds and broadleaf weeds.

Managing Turfgrass Pests in Wisconsin

This publication describes pest management options available to professional turfgrass managers to keep turf in top condition while limiting potential harm to the environment.

Viburnum Borer

Major branch dieback, plant decline, and plant death of Viburnum species are commonly associated with the caterpillars of clearwing borer moths. Learn symptoms and management in this factsheet.

Controlling Creeping Charlie, Gleochoma hederaceae

Known by several common names, Glechoma hederaceae is a pest in lawns and gardens. Often called Creeping Charlie it thrives in moist, shady spots and is difficult to eradicate. Learn about this creeping nuisance in this article…

Common Purslane, Portulaca oleracea

Portulaca oleracea is a low-growing plant with succulent leaves. This annual grows quickly to produce a mat of tart-flavored edible leaves. Because of its fast growth, prolific seed production, and ability to survive in all types of soils, most people think of it as a pest, but some consider it a vegetable. To learn more about this edible weed, read this article…

Wild Parsnip

Wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) is an aggressive Eurasian member of the carrot family that grows in sunny areas and tolerates dry to wet soil types. Very invasive, it can overtake roadsides and fields. Contact with this plant can cause severe skin blisters and permanent scarring. Learn how to identify and control this invasive plant in this factsheet.

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