White blobs of bubbles on plants are created by the insects called spittlebugs, and their foam helps protect them. To find out more about these creatures, read this article…
White blobs of bubbles on plants are created by the insects called spittlebugs, and their foam helps protect them. To find out more about these creatures, read this article…
A well-maintained lawn is an important asset for the homeowner, the community, and the environment, and fertilization is a vital element of a lawn management program. Learn more here.
This factsheet provides information on some of the most ornamental, disease resistant crabapples available for landscaping in Wisconsin.
Anthracnose is the name of several common fungal diseases that affect the foliage of woody ornamentals in Wisconsin. This factsheet describes symptoms and management.
Learn to recognize and prevent plant damage caused by deicing salts. Learn about alternatives to rock salt and which plants are salt-tolerant.
Successfully growing apricots, cherries, peaches and plums in Wisconsin requires time, space and expertise. Find out how to grow these fruits, from planting through harvest, in this publication.
Edema is a physiological disorder that affects houseplants, greenhouse plants, and other plants sheltered under plastic. Learn about these fluid-filled “blisters” on leaves in this factsheet.
Learn how to calibrate your spreader to apply the right amount of lime or fertilizer to your lawn or garden.
Large swollen dark-colored growths on plum and cherry trees are caused by a fungal pathogen that causes the disease known as black knot. To learn more about this disease and how to manage it, read this article.
This publication is a great how-to resource for backyard apple growers. It covers everything from planting to pruning to disease and insect management strategies, to help you get a great harvest.
Starting a vegetable garden may seem overwhelming to a first-time gardener, but it can be quite easy. This fact sheet focuses on how gardeners can select and prepare their garden site to ensure success.
Lichens are organisms that arise from mutually beneficial interactions between certain fungi and algae. Learn about these harmless, and very common organisms in this factsheet.