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Deciduous Tree Leaf Disease Quick Reference

Authors: Brian Hudelson, UW-Madison Plant Pathology
Last Revised: 04/30/2021
D-number: XHT1190

Anthracnose for Quick Guide Anthracnose
Hosts: Most trees, commonly ash, maple and oak
Pathogens: Gloeosporium spp. as well as other fungi
Signs/Symptoms: Blotchy dead areas on leaves
For more information see:  UW Garden Facts XHT1001
Purple-bordered leaf spot Purple-Bordered Leaf Spot
Host: Amur, Japanese, red, silver and sugar maple
Pathogen: Phyllosticta minima
Signs/Symptoms: Discrete, circular leaf spots with purple borders
For more information see:  UW Garden Facts XHT1149
 Tubakia leaf spot Tubakia (Actinopelte) Leaf Spot
Hosts: Oak
Pathogen: Tubakia spp. (Actinopelte spp.)
Signs/Symptoms: Discrete circular, or irregular blotchy dead areas on leaves
For more information see: UW Garden Facts XHT1104
 Scab Apple Scab
Hosts: Apple, crabapple, pear, mountain-ash
Pathogen: Venturia inaequalis
Signs/Symptoms: Circular, black leaf spots with feathery edges; eventual leaf loss
For more information see: UW Garden Facts XHT1007
 Cedar-Apple Rust Gymnosporangium Rust
Hosts: Apple, crabapple, hawthorn
Pathogens: Gymnosporangium spp.
Signs/Symptoms: Bright yellow-orange, circular leaf spots
For more information see: UW Garden Facts XHT1009
 Powdery Mildew Powdery Mildew Hosts: Most deciduous trees
Pathogens: Several genera of powdery mildew fungi
Signs/Symptoms: Uniform/blotchy powdery white areas on upper and lower leaf surfaces
For more information see: UW Garden Facts XHT1005a
 Downy Leaf Spot Downy Leaf Spot
Hosts: Hickory, walnut
Pathogen: Microstroma juglandis
Signs/Symptoms: Discrete powdery white areas on lower leaf surfaces
 Clorosis Chlorosis
Hosts: Oak, red maple
Cause: Iron or manganese deficiency, often induced by high soil pH
Signs/Symptoms: Yellow leaves with dark green veins
For more information see: UW Garden Facts XHT1002
 Scorch Scorch
Hosts: Most deciduous trees
Cause: Water stress induced by drought, high soil salt content, or other water-limiting factors
Signs/Symptoms: Dead tissue on leaf margins
 Tatters Tatters
Hosts: Most deciduous trees, but commonly oak
Cause: Possible early season cold injury
Signs/Symptoms: Lacy, tattered-looking leaves
For more information see: UW Garden Facts XHT1141

For more information on deciduous tree leaf diseases:  See or contact your County Extension agent.

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