Fruit and Frost

Wisconsin always has a risk of spring frosts, which can injure or kill flowers or immature fruit. This factsheet outlines critical temperatures and describes ways to protect against late season frosts.

Angular Leaf Spot of Strawberry

Angular leaf spot is a severe bacterial disease that can adversely affect strawberries wherever they are grown. Learn how to identify and manage this disease in this factsheet.

Common Leaf Spot of Strawberry

Common leaf spot of strawberry is a common fungal leaf disease that affects both wild and cultivated strawberries. Learn about this foliar disease and its potential impact in your strawberry patch.

Cane Blight

This article covers cane blight, a fungal disease that affects the health of raspberries and blackberries wherever they are grown, and can cause significant fruit yield losses if left unmanaged.

Raspberry Anthracnose

Anthracnose is a common disease that causes significant reductions of yield and fruit quality of raspberries. Learn more about managing this disease in this factsheet.

Raspberry Disorder: Fire Blight

While more common in apples and pears, fireblight also affects raspberries. Find out how to spot, prevent and control this disease in your raspberry patch in this publication.

Growing Raspberries in Wisconsin

A variety of raspberries–black, purple, and yellow as well as red–can thrive throughout Wisconsin. This publication describes how to select and raise them, and how to protect them from pests and diseases.

Growing Grapes in Wisconsin

This award-winning manual offers detailed instructions on how to successfully grow grapes in Wisconsin, including cultivar selection, trellising, proper pruning and pest management.

Growing Strawberries in Wisconsin

Strawberries are the most widely grown small fruit crop in Wisconsin. Learn about the growth and fruiting habits of strawberries and how to raise and harvest them successfully in this publication.

White Pine Blister Rust

White pine blister rust is a serious, tree-killing disease of eastern white pine and its close relatives. Learn how to manage this disease in this factsheet.

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