Home Turf Insecticides

The need for insecticides on home lawns in Wisconsin is rare. Learn what is available to homeowners to control specific pests that may occur in this factsheet.

Lily Leaf Beetle

Lily Leaf Beetle, also known as red or scarlet lily beetle, can cause significant damage to native and cultivated true lilies. Learn how to identify and manage this insect in this factsheet.

How to Deal with Japanese Beetles by Vijai Pandian (July 22, 2019)

By Vijai Pandian, UW Madison Extension and PJ Liesch, UW Madison Entomology Established in Wisconsin in the 1990s, the Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) is a voracious defoliator of many landscape and garden plants. Roses, birches, lindens, grapes, raspberries, Norway maples, beans, apples, plums, crabapples, elms, beech, asparagus, and rhubarb are some of its favorite plant species. Full […]

Black Stem Borer

Black stem borer (BSB), is an invasive beetle from Asia. This factsheet describes the appearance, life cycle, scouting suggestions and control methods of this important pest.

Painted Lady Butterfly, Vanessa cardui

The painted lady butterfly is a common visitor in Wisconsin, especially in the fall. These colorful insects prefer open areas, including prairies, old fields, vacant lots, and gardens where they feed preferentially on the nectar from relatively tall herbaceous perennials. The spiny caterpillars feed on a large number of different plants. To learn more about this butterfly, read this article…

Common Milkweed Insects

Almost everyone knows that monarch butterfly caterpillars live only on milkweeds, but did you know there are many other insects that feed exclusively on these plants? From other caterpillars to bugs and beetles, there are several types of insects that have developed ways to avoid being affected by the toxins in milkweeds and have become specialized feeders on these plants. Lean more about some of the most common insects found on milkweed in this article…


The buzzing of cicadas means it’s the height of summer. Learn more about these insects in Wisconsin, including their biology and lifecycle, in this article…

Blueberry Maggot

Blueberry maggot feeds inside blueberry fruit causing it to become soft as it develops. This factsheet describes symptoms, the insect’s lifecycle, monitoring strategies and management methods.

African Fig Fly – Pest Alert

African fig fly is an invasive vinegar fly related to spotted wing drosophila. It’s being carefully monitored in Wisconsin due to unknown potential impact. Learn more here.

San José Scale

This factsheet describes the symptoms, life cycle, monitoring methods and control of San José scale (Diaspidiotus perniciosus), which is a concern in poorly managed orchards.


Katydids are one of the many creatures buzzing, trilling and chirping away in the summer night insect chorus. These cricket and grasshopper relatives are fairly large insects, but often overlooked because they come in colors and shapes that blend in with their environment to prevent predation. Learn about the main groups of katydids and some interesting facts about these plant-eating insects…

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