
Weir’s Cushion Rust of Spruces

Weir’s cushion rust is a needle disease that disfigures and reduces growth of spruce trees. Learn to identify and avoid problems with Weir’s cushion rust in this factsheet.

Boxelder Bug, Boisea trivittatus

Pesky boxelder bugs are very noticeable in the fall when they congregate before overwintering in buildings. To learn more about this nuisance pest, read this article…

Phytophthora Root Rot of Christmas Trees

Phytophthora root rot is a common disease of Christmas trees including Douglas-fir, balsam and true firs (e.g., Fraser, balsam and Canaan), spruces, and pines. This fact sheet covers symptoms and management.

Western Conifer Seed Bug

A large and somewhat strange-looking insect, Western conifer seed bugs are less of a plant pest than they are a nusiance when they overwinter inside homes. Learn more in this factsheet.

Outdoor Hazards in Wisconsin: A Guide to Insects, Plants, and Wildlife

Scott R. Craven, Phillip J. Pellitteri, Mark J. Renz Revised:  1/15/2010 Item number:  G3564 Wisconsin’s bountiful natural resources make it an ideal place for outdoor recreation. Most plants and creatures you encounter won’t hurt you, but timber rattlesnakes, yellow jackets, wild parsnip, and others can be troublesome. This guide will help you recognize, avoid, and […]

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

Brown marmorated stink bug is a non-native pest that feeds on awide range of plants. This insect is also a nusiance when it overwinters indoors. Learn about identification and management in this factsheet.

White Grubs on Christmas Trees

White grubs, the larval stage of Junebugs, can be an important pest in Christmas tree and other conifer plantings. Learn to identify white grub damage, and management, in this factsheet.

Lawn Maintenance

Fertilizing, watering, and mowing all help you maintain a healthy lawn. This publication covers these, plus how to deal with lawn problems such as diseases, weeds, soil compaction and renovation of old lawns.

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