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Pruning Evergreens
Pruning can help control the size of an evergreen, direct growth, or maintain plant health and appearance. Learn how to prune evergreens in this factsheet.
Pruning Deciduous Trees
Proper pruning controls tree size, directs growth, influences flowering, and maintains tree health and appearance. Learn how in this factsheet.
Wisconsin Bee Identification Guide
The Wisconsin Bee Identification Guide provides information about 13 of the most common bees found in Wisconsin. From the very small Sweat Bee, measuring in at 1/4″ long, to the big Bumble Bee, this guide helps identify many incredibly important pollinators!
Pruning Deciduous Shrubs
Pruning controls the size of shrubs, directs growth, influences flowering, and restores plant health and appearance. Learn pruning techniques in this factsheet.
Plants Not Favored by Deer
If deer visit your property, before planting (or replanting), check out this list of trees, shrubs, flowers, herbs, and grasses that deer tend to avoid.
Hummingbirds in the Garden
Hummingbirds are a large group of tiny birds with iridescent feathers, who feed on a nectar from a wide variety of plants. Learn more about these birds and how to encourage ruby-throated hummingbirds in your garden in this article…
Winter Burn
This publication covers winter burn, a common problem of evergreens including those with broad leaves, needles and scale-like leaves grown in open, unprotected locations and exposed to severe winter conditions.
The term webworm is used to describe several insects whose caterpillars use silk to join plant parts together to form protective nests. Learn about two webworms found in Wisconsin in this factsheet.
Gray Mold (Botrytis Blight)
Gray mold (or Botrytis blight) is a common and often serious fungal disease that can affect plants of all kinds. Learn more in this factsheet.
Deciduous Trees Disorder: Miscellaneous Causes of Decline
This fact sheet explores sun scald, girdling roots, mower injury, previous defoliation, graft incompatibility, twine and tree wrap injury, and gas leaks as common causes of tree decline and death.
Jumping Worms
Jumping worms are non-native worms that damage the soil structure causing poor plant growth. Learn how to identify and deal with Jumping Worms in this article.
Root Rots on Houseplants
Root rot is a general term for any disease that causes the deterioration of a plant’s root system. Learn more about root rots and how to avoid them in this factsheet.