Controlling Deer Damage in Wisconsin
This publication describes plant damage caused by deer, and illustrates numerous methods for protecting plants from deer.
This publication describes plant damage caused by deer, and illustrates numerous methods for protecting plants from deer.
Author(s): Scott Craven, David Drake In this, the third publication in the “Living With Wildlife in Wisconsin” series, the authors describe the curious habits and underground way of life of Wisconsin’s two kinds of moles. They discuss how to limit the damage these velvety animals may cause, either by cutting off their food supply (which […]
Author(s): Scott Craven, David Drake In this, the fifth publication in the “Living With Wildlife in Wisconsin” series, the authors describe the life, habits, and habitat of the raccoon, that clever creature whose versatility and energy can make him both entertaining and troublesome. The authors describe the economic and ecological benefits provided by raccoons. They […]
Author(s): Jacob Behrens, Courtney Losser, David Drake, Jason Suckow, Brad Koele In the ninth publication in the Living with Wildlife in Wisconsin series, the authors describe the life, habits, and habitat of skunks. They suggest nonlethal ways of mitigating the damage that skunks may cause, including prevention, exclusion, live trapping, and harassment. Lethal management techniques […]
Author(s): David Drake, Carolin Tappe, Ryan Klausch, Jason Suckow In this publication, the authors describe the life, habits, and habitat of chipmunks and ground squirrels as well as nonlethal and lethal ways of mitigating the damage they cause (4 pages; 2013).
W.L. Gojmerac Revised: 1/24/2012 Item number: A2135 Approximately 1000 species of spiders are found in this country, living almost anywhere. Learn about the dangers and problems and control of some spiders.
Invasive phragmites, or common reed. is a tall, perennial grass that aggressively colonizes and forms dense stands in freshwater wetlands. Learn how to identify and control this invasive threat to Wisconsin’s wetlands in this factsheet.
Japanese Knotweed, which is native to Asia, has become an invasive plant in Wisconsin. This brochure describes the plant and gives recommendations for control.
Includes history, distribution, habitat, similar species, threats, identification and impact, of the shrub honeysuckles that are invasive in the Midwest. Photos and discussion of control strategies are also included.
Daniel L. Mahr, Paul Whitaker, Nino Ridgway Revised: 10/31/2011 Item number: A3842 This colorful, richly illustrated booklet offers an introduction to beneficial natural enemies and their use in pest management (116 pages).
Scab, aka gummosis, is an important disease affecting vine crops. Read this helpful factsheet to better spot, prevent, and control scab in your garden.
Powdery mildew is a foliar disease that occurs in the later part of summer on many vine crops. Find out how to identify, prevent, and control powdery mildew in your garden in this helpful factsheet.