Growing Strawberries in Containers

By: Darrin Kimbler, Extension Iron County Strawberries are an ideal fruit to grow in containers. In this video, you will learn about varieties, containers, soils, water management and how to overwinter container grown strawberry plants. Strawberry varieties are divided into three different groupings: June-bearing, ever-bearing and day-neutral. Day-neutral varieties are the easiest varieties for container […]

Fruit and Frost

Wisconsin always has a risk of spring frosts, which can injure or kill flowers or immature fruit. This factsheet outlines critical temperatures and describes ways to protect against late season frosts.

Growing Grapes in Wisconsin

This award-winning manual offers detailed instructions on how to successfully grow grapes in Wisconsin, including cultivar selection, trellising, proper pruning and pest management.

Growing Strawberries in Wisconsin

Strawberries are the most widely grown small fruit crop in Wisconsin. Learn about the growth and fruiting habits of strawberries and how to raise and harvest them successfully in this publication.

Growing Raspberries in Wisconsin

A variety of raspberries–black, purple, and yellow as well as red–can thrive throughout Wisconsin. This publication describes how to select and raise them, and how to protect them from pests and diseases.

Fruit Crop Pollination

For fruit to develop, proper pollination must occur. This publication describes which crops require pollen from a different cultivar to set fruit, and which can set fruit on their own.

Fertilizing Small Fruits in the Home Garden

Want a bumper crop of berries this year? Learn to determine your soil amendments and fertilizer needs for raspberries, blueberries, grapes,currants and gooseberries in this publication.

Reducing Soil pH

Proper soil pH allows plants to efficiently take up nutrients. Learn how to reduce high soil pH in this factsheet.

Home Fruit Insecticides

Managing fruit corp insect pests can be very challenging, and should involve an “integrated pest management” approach. This factsheet lists potential pesticides that may be appropriate.

Growing Blueberries in Containers

The blueberry is a wonderful fruit rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber, and vitamin E. Due to its popularity, there is a growing interest among gardeners to plant blueberries in backyard gardens.

Mulches for Home Gardens and Plantings

Boost your garden’s production with mulches. This publication shows when to use organic mulches, like bark or leaves, and synthetic mulches, like plastic sheets, and teaches how to apply them.

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