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Interested in getting higher yields of fruit, want a fruit tree but don’t have much space, or just want an interesting plant as a focal point? Read this article to learn more about the classic technique of espalier…
Morning Ag Clips: Lawn care tips for the fall with Doug Soldat
Podcast and transcript covering lawn care tips for fall with Doug Soldat, Extension Turfgrass and Urban Soil Specialist.
WPR Garden Talk: Composting 101 and other gardening topics with Vijai Pandian (October 4, 2019)
Compost is a great way to get rid of organic waste and create nutrient-rich soil in the process. We talk to a horticulturist about the best ways to compost and how to use it. Listen to the episode.
WPR Garden Talk: Bringing Plants Indoors with Diana Alfuth (September 27, 2019)
Shorter days and cooler nights mean it’s time to start bringing in plants that summer outside. We talk with a horticulturist about how to successfully transition them back into your home. Listen to the episode.
WPR Garden Talk: Fall Lawn Care with Paul Koch
In this episode of Garden Talk, we talk about fall lawn care, including lawn revival, overseeding and repair, as well as fall fertilization and weed control.
Wild cucumber invading area with Vijai Pandian (August 26, 2019)
There is a timing for all plants including weeds to be conspicuous at a certain season in natural landscape. In autumn, one such attractive weed that has begun to catch attention in southeast Wisconsin is wild cucumber (echinocystis lobata). Native to Wisconsin, wild cucumber is a fast-growing … Link to full article.
Vegetable Varieties for Containers
Growing plants in containers (referred to as container gardening) is an easy way to grow and maintain vegetables. Find suggested varieties suitable for container gardening here.
WPR Garden Talk: Late Summer Threats by Lisa Johnson & Brian Hudelson (August 10, 2019)
Late summer in the garden can be a challenge. We turn to two plant experts to discuss how to deal with pests like lily leaf beetle and jumping worms, and diseases like mildew and cedar-apple rust. Listen to this episode.
Now’s the Time to Look for the Raspberry Cane Borer by Annie Deutch (August 9, 2019)
Phenology allows us to predict when we can find certain insects or damage they cause. Learn more about timing of raspberry cane borer here.
Home Vegetable Garden Fungicides
While cultural methods are the preferred options for disease management in vegetable gardens, fungicide treatments are also an option. This guide identifies some of the common, and most suitable, fungicides.
Boxwood Blight
Boxwood blight (also known as box blight and boxwood leaf drop) is a devastating disease of boxwood (Buxus spp.) that can cause leaf loss and eventual death of affected shrubs. This factsheet covers symptoms and management.
How to Deal with Japanese Beetles by Vijai Pandian (July 22, 2019)
By Vijai Pandian, UW Madison Extension and PJ Liesch, UW Madison Entomology Established in Wisconsin in the 1990s, the Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) is a voracious defoliator of many landscape and garden plants. Roses, birches, lindens, grapes, raspberries, Norway maples, beans, apples, plums, crabapples, elms, beech, asparagus, and rhubarb are some of its favorite plant species. Full […]