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2024 Q&A Series:
Gardening and Landscape Questions

Register for the upcoming Q&A series to get all of your questions answered!

Free Online Gardening Programs

Suitable for gardeners of all skill levels and watchable on mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.

Growing and Caring for Plants in Wisconsin: Foundations in Gardening

Growing and Caring for Plants in Wisconsin: Foundations in Gardening is an online introductory course where you learn key concepts for selecting, growing, and maintaining plants – from trees to houseplants to vegetables and everything in between!

Registration for the Fall 2024 course opens July 15

In the meantime, stay informed about all our offerings, including announcements about this course. Join our mailing list to receive reminders about courses, webinars, and more!

Man pruning boxwood shrub into spherical shape

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Latest Horticulture News

Timely Articles for Summer Gardens

Now’s the Time to Look for the Raspberry Cane Borer by Annie Deutch (August 9, 2019)

Phenology allows us to predict when we can find certain insects or damage they cause. Learn more about timing of raspberry cane borer here.

Drought and Watering of Ornamental Plants

Learn how to water woody plants to help them survive prolonged periods of drought in this article.

Outdoor Hazards in Wisconsin: A Guide to Insects, Plants, and Wildlife

Scott R. Craven, Phillip J. Pellitteri, Mark J. Renz Revised:  1/15/2010 Item number:  G3564 Wisconsin’s bountiful natural resources make it an ideal place for outdoor recreation. Most plants and creatures you encounter won’t hurt you, but timber rattlesnakes, yellow jackets, wild parsnip, and others can be troublesome. This guide will help you recognize, avoid, and […]

Growing Apples in Wisconsin

This publication is a great how-to resource for backyard apple growers. It covers everything from planting to pruning to disease and insect management strategies, to help you get a great harvest.

long-horned bee Melissodes sp. on oxeye daisy

Wisconsin’s Busy Bees: Getting to Know the Bees in Your Area

By: PJ Liesch, Extension Entomology Specialist, UW-Madison While bees such as honey bees and bumblebees are well-known, Wisconsin is home to nearly 500 species of bees. Most of these bees go unrecognized by the public but provide critical pollination services. In this video, you will learn about some of the commonest wild bees in the […]

Ten Common Plant Diseases/Disorders You Can Diagnose by Eye

This factsheet summarized ten common plant diseases that are also relatively easy to identify on your own.

image of person applying wood mulch to flower bed

Mulches for Home Gardens and Plantings

Boost your garden’s production with mulches. This publication shows when to use organic mulches, like bark or leaves, and synthetic mulches, like plastic sheets, and teaches how to apply them.

Wisconsin Bee Identification Guide

The Wisconsin Bee Identification Guide provides information about 13 of the most common bees found in Wisconsin. From the very small Sweat Bee, measuring in at 1/4″ long, to the big Bumble Bee, this guide helps identify many incredibly important pollinators!

Rain Barrels

Mike Maddox, State Master Gardener Program Manager & Darren Lochner, Formerly of the UW-Extension Lower Chippewa River Basin Revised:  2/5/2008 Item number:  XHT1157 What is a rain barrel?  A rain barrel can be any large container designed to collect rain water.  Typically, rain barrels are placed at the bottom of downspouts in order to collect […]

Swallowtail butterfly on monarda

How do Pesticides Affect Pollinators and Songbirds in Your Yard

By: Lynn Markham, Extension Land Use Statewide Specialist, UW-Stevens Point Maybe you’ve heard news stories about declines in pollinators and songbirds. In this video, you will learn what research studies have found about how pesticides affect pollinators and songbirds. You will also learn about what people have done to help in their yards and communities […]

image of plant

Pollinator Gardens: Plant Selection and Garden Care

By: Susan Carpenter, Wisconsin Native Plant Garden Curator, UW-Madison Arboretum In this video, learn how to select and care for plants to attract and support diverse pollinators in your garden all season long. This presentation emphasizes native plants and pollinators and includes sustainable gardening practices. Pollinator Gardens: Plant Selection and Garden Care (Link to YouTube) […]

Wisconsin Lawn Care Calendar

The following lawn care calendar provides an overview of home lawn maintenance. Not all lawns require every maintenance activity. Be sure to customize the care of your lawn to its specific problems and needs.

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