Growing Strawberries in Containers

By: Darrin Kimbler, Extension Iron County Strawberries are an ideal fruit to grow in containers. In this video, you will learn about varieties, containers, soils, water management and how to overwinter container grown strawberry plants. Strawberry varieties are divided into three different groupings: June-bearing, ever-bearing and day-neutral. Day-neutral varieties are the easiest varieties for container […]

Home Fruit Cultivars of Northern Wisconsin

Find out which fruit cultivars are recommended for your area of Northern Wisconsin. This article includes tree fruits, stone fruits and small fruits, and describes flavor, ripening date, hardiness and more.

Home Fruit Cultivars for Southern Wisconsin

Find out which fruit cultivars are recommended for Southern Wisconsin. This publication describes flavor, ripening date, winter hardiness, and more, and includes tree fruits, stone fruits and small fruits.

Growing Grapes in Wisconsin

This award-winning manual offers detailed instructions on how to successfully grow grapes in Wisconsin, including cultivar selection, trellising, proper pruning and pest management.

Growing Strawberries in Wisconsin

Strawberries are the most widely grown small fruit crop in Wisconsin. Learn about the growth and fruiting habits of strawberries and how to raise and harvest them successfully in this publication.

Growing Raspberries in Wisconsin

A variety of raspberries–black, purple, and yellow as well as red–can thrive throughout Wisconsin. This publication describes how to select and raise them, and how to protect them from pests and diseases.

Plants Not Favored by Deer

If deer visit your property, before planting (or replanting), check out this list of trees, shrubs, flowers, herbs, and grasses that deer tend to avoid.

Hardiness Zone Maps

Maps related to cold hardiness zones so you can choose plants that can survive winter in your area.

Growing Blueberries in Containers

The blueberry is a wonderful fruit rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber, and vitamin E. Due to its popularity, there is a growing interest among gardeners to plant blueberries in backyard gardens.

Kiwifruit, Actinidia spp.

What’s brown and fuzzy all over and green inside? Well, the kiwifruit, of course. To learn more about kiwifruit, read this article…

Rhubarb, Rheum rhabarbarum

Rhubarb is the first “fruit” of the season – used as a fruit, but grows like a vegetable. This old fashioned perennial is very easy to grow. To learn more about rhubarb, read this article…

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