Garden Spiders

Spiders are good guys to gardeners, since they feed on other insects. There are a few main groups that are commonly found in gardens. To learn more about these fascinating arthropods, read this article…


There are many species of scales and they are difficult to control because of their protective covering. Learn to identify and manage scales in this factsheet.


White blobs of bubbles on plants are created by the insects called spittlebugs, and their foam helps protect them. To find out more about these creatures, read this article…

Cyclamen and Broad Mites

Cyclamen and broad mites are xtremely small and can infect plants in greenhouses and gardens. Learn the symptoms and management options in this factsheet.

Scale Insects

Scale insects are often overlooked because they are immobile and look like small bumps that just might be plant parts. Learn more about this group of inconspicuous and atypical insects in this article…


If you see fluffy-looking white blobs on your houseplants, you probably have an infestation of mealybugs. These are soft-bodied insects that have a waxy material covering their bodies.  There are many different species of mealybugs that commonly occur on a wide variety of plants. To learn more about these pests and how to control them, read this article…


Many of our food crops require or benefit from pollination by insects. Learn about common pollinators in Wisconsin and how to attract and support them in your yard and garden in this factsheet.

Managing Turfgrass Pests in Wisconsin

This publication describes pest management options available to professional turfgrass managers to keep turf in top condition while limiting potential harm to the environment.

Viburnum Borer

Major branch dieback, plant decline, and plant death of Viburnum species are commonly associated with the caterpillars of clearwing borer moths. Learn symptoms and management in this factsheet.

Odorous House Ants

Odorous house ants (Tapinoma sessile) can be found across the United States and are one of the most common ants found in and around structures in Wisconsin. These ants are known for their fondness for sugary foods and their distinctive odor when crushed.

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