
If you’re looking for a houseplant with attractive foliage that’s not just another leafy thing, and maybe some long-lasting flowers, consider a bromeliad. This plant family has a wide variety of species with many that are easily grown indoors if you choose a type adapted to your conditions. Learn more about this interesting group of plants in this article…

Persian Shield, Strobilanthes dyerianus

Looking to add some drama to your garden? Forget flowers and go with iridescent foliage instead for a real show-stopper! Persian shield is a tender perennial grown as an annual in our climate that has been used since Victorian times for its ornamental foliage. To learn more about this exotic, but easily grown plant, read this article…

Dendrobium lindleyi

If you’re lookign for a miniature orchid with a big flower show Dendrobium lindleyi is the one for you. This compact epiphytic species native to Southeast Asia produces spectacular showers of golden flowers. To learn more about this exotic yet easy-to-grow plant, read this article…


Are you familiar with the ancient group of plants called cycads? These “living fossils” have been around since the time of the dinosaurs, although they are no longer as numerous as they once were. These cone-bearing plants hail primarily from the tropics, but many are easily grown as container plants. To learn more about cycads, read this article…

Golden Shrimp Plant, Pachystachys lutea

Pachystachys lutea is a common landscape ornamental in tropical areas, but you can grow it at home. It’s upright, bright yellow to orange inflorescences contrast nicely with glossy, dark green foliage. To learn more about growing this exotic flowering tropical plant as an outdoor seasonal plant or houseplant, read this article…

Rosemary, Rosemarinus officinalis

Rosemary is an aromatic plant with a long history of use as a culinary and medicinal herb. It is easily grown in containers that can be moved indoors for the winter. To learn more about rosemary, see this article…

Hibiscus schizopetalus

Hibiscus is a quintessential tropical flower, with big, brightly-colored blossoms. But there is a species that has very different, pendant flowers with elaborately dissected and recurved petals. Like other tropical hibiscus, Hibiscus schizopetalus is a tender plant that cannot survive our winters but can be grown as a houseplant. To learn more about this species, read this article…

Golden Trumpet, Allamanda cathartica

Looking for a flowering tropical plant to enliven a really bright corner of your house or sunroom? Allamanda cathartica is an attractive landscape ornamental in tropical locations, but can also be grown as a houseplant or seasonal outdoor plant in colder climates. To learn more about this “golden” plant, read this article…

Tradescantia zebrina

Tradescantia zebrina is a popular houseplant grown for its variegated foliage. This tender perennial native to southern Mexico and Guatemala can also be used as a seasonal groundcover or trailing accent in containers. To learn more about this tough plant in the spiderwort family, read this article…

Small Aloes – Interesting, Colorful, and Easy Succulents

Lots of people keep a plant of Aloe vera on hand, but did you know there are many other small species that make great houseplants? These compact succulents from Africa can have very ornamental foliage as well as pretty flowers. To learn more about these tender exotic plants, and how to grow them in a cold climate, read this article…

Easter Lily, Lilium longiflorum

You can readily find Easter lilies in bloom at this time of year. This hardy bulb is forced out of season to provide floral displays for this holiday. Whether you want these fragrant flowers to brighten your home at this time of year, or would just like to have them bloom in your garden at their normal time, this is a plant well worth getting to know. Read on to learn more about Lilium longiflorum

String of Hearts, Ceropegia woodii

Hearts abound in mid-February, so now is a good time to learn about String of Hearts. This tender African succulent plant with heart-shaped leaves is easily grown as a houseplant. Read more…

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