Articles > Care & Maintenance

Fall “Lawndry” List

By: Paul Koch, Associate Professor, Department of Plant Pathology

Fall is a good time of year to give your lawn some TLC. In this video, learn about lawn fertilizer requirements and recommendations for this time of year, aeration and overseeding, and the basics of weed control.

Fall is the best time of year to work on lawns because of cooler temperatures, more consistent soil moisture, and less weed pressure. The best time to apply nitrogen to the lawn is around Labor Day. You can mow lawns shorter in the fall to allow sunlight to reach the crowns of the grass plants and to remove excess leaf tissue. Fall is also a good time to overseed thin lawns and establish a new lawn. Avoid overwatering lawns in the fall, as excess moisture can lead to fungal problems. Finally, aeration can be done in the fall to improve soil structure and reduce compaction.

Fall “Lawndry” List (Link to YouTube)

Additional information can be found at the following resources:

UW-Madison Turfgrass Diagnostic Lab

Lawn Maintenance , UW-Madison Extension lawn care publication:

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