Articles > Care & Maintenance

Common Crops for Community Gardens – People + Plants

Author(s): Kristin Krokowsk

Want to maximize your garden’s productivity and minimize potential crop problems? This publication will walk you through the basics of the most common crops grown in community gardens. Topics include:

  • choosing types and cultivars
  • intensive gardening
  • the growing season
  • plant health
  • cool-season crops (planting, harvesting, common problems, and tips)
  • warm-season crops (planting, harvesting, common problems, and tips)
  • challenges of community gardening
  • crops you may want to think twice about
  • crops for food pantries

Common Crops for Community Gardens will help you trouble-shoot common produce problems so your garden is as bountiful as can be (8 pages; 2013).

Want to learn more?

Site Considerations (10-minute video)

Raised Bed and Container Gardening (7-minute video)

Planting Techniques (2-minute video)

Safe Harvest (2-minute video)

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