The Basics of Micro Irrigation

Micro irrigation has numerous advantages in greenhouses, orchards, vineyards, fields, lawns, and gardens. Learn about components of micro irrigation systems and benefits and drawbacks these systems provide.

Storing Tender “Bulbs” for Winter

This time of year frost is bound to nip non-hardy plants still outdoors. If you have any of the tender “bulbs” (plants which grow from fleshy storage structures even if they aren’t technically true bulbs) you’ll need to get those into storage for the winter soon. Find out more about preparing these plants to save for the next growing season in this article…

Dividing Bearded Iris

With the heat, humidity and mosquitoes of August you many not feel like working in the garden at this time of year, but a little time spent dividing crowded clumps of bearded iris now will pay great dividends in the future. These plants do best when divided every few years, and the process is really quite simple. To get detailed instructions, read this article…


Don’t like the look of metal or plastic stakes, but you need to offer some support for a few floppy annuals or perennials? How about using prunings from your yard or elsewhere to do the job in an informal way? Learn more about this time-honored technique…

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