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Eastern Red Columbine, Aquilegia canadensis
A favorite of returning ruby throated hummingbirds and gardeners alike, Aquilegia canadensis is at its best when it shows off its dangling blooms of red and yellow for several weeks in the spring. This native species is equally at home in naturalized settings and ornamental gardens. To learn more about eastern red columbine, read this article…
Mouse Melon or Mexican Sour Cucumber, Melothria scabra
Looking for something unusual for your vegetable garden? Mouse melon or Mexican sour cucumber is a vine that produces unique tiny fruits that resemble striped watermelons. Learn more here.
Leeks are an onion relative that is a very easy to grow cool season crop well suited to cultivation in Wisconsin. Learn more about this tasty vegetable by reading this article…
Popcorn Cassia, Senna (=Cassia) didymobotrya
Popcorn cassia is an unusual accent plant with bright yellow showy flowers contrasting with its striking black buds. This tender plant can provide seasonal vertical interest with its tall flower spikes and a tropical effect with its attractive foliage. To learn more about this small tree native to eastern Africa, read this article…
Northern Masked Chafer
A potentially serious insect pest of turfgrass, Masked Chafer has only been found in a few counties in southern Wisconsin. Learn how to be on the lookout for this pest in this publication.
Stromanthe sanguinea “Tricolor”
Tricolor is a stunning plant with dramatic variegated foliage with different colors on the upper and lower leaf surfaces. Although it is a tender tropical, it can be grown in the Midwest as a seasonal annual to add interest in beds or containers, or year-round as a houseplant. To learn more about Stromanthe sanguinea, read this article…
Using Wood Ash in the Home Garden
Wood ash can provide certain soil nutrients, and can be used to raise soil pH. However, if used incorrectly or excessively, problems can occur. Learn more in this factsheet.
Variegated Shell Ginger, Alpinia zerumbet ‘Variegata’
Vareigated leaves and large, tropical foliage adds drama to any garden. Variegated shell ginger combines these characteristics or striking color and bold texture in one plant. Try using this tender perennial as an annual or grow it as a houseplant. To learn more about Alpinia zerumbet ‘Variegata’, read this article…
Four O’Clocks, Mirabilis jalapa
Most flowers open early in the day, but one species from the tropical Andes opens late in the day since its pollinators are evening-flying sphinx moths. With flowers in a variety of bright and pastel shades, this fast-growing tender perennial is grown as an annual in cool climates. To learn more about the plant commonly called four o’clocks, read this article…
Harvesting Vegetables from the Home Garden
Harvesting vegetables at the right stage of growth is essential. This 4-page publication briefly lists the characteristics to look for to know when it’s time to harvest.
Flapjacks, Kalanchoe spp.
Tender succulent plants can provide architectural interest as temporary elements in the landscape outdoors in the summer and moved indoors for the winter. Flapjacks offers bold texture in its paddle-shaped leaves and often dramatic colors of the fleshy foliage. Learn more about the species of Kalanchoe commonly called flapjacks in this article…
Indian Corn
Indian or flint corn is one of many types of maize or corn with colored kernels, either of a single or multiple colors. To learn more about these types of corn that have attractively-colored kernels, read this article…