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Online Program Archive
Learn from experts at your own pace with accessible, research-based information for gardeners and plant enthusiasts of all skill levels.
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You Can Grow Citrus!
Choosing the Best Plants for your Indoor Space
Tackling Tough Weeds: Your Questions, Expert Answers
Bringing the Garden Inside
Maintaining Festive Houseplants
Indoor Plant Lighting
Choosing the Best Plants for your Indoor Space
You Can Grow Citrus!
Growing Garlic in Wisconsin
Planning for a Seed Saving Garden
Vertical Agriculture
Multicultural Gardening
Rejuvenating Old Apple Trees
Pruning Apple Trees
Management of Apple Pests
Growing Strawberries in Containers
Day-Neutral Strawberries & Table Grapes
Upper Midwest Hazelnuts
Pruning Grapevines
Trees and Shrubs
Hydrangeas: Know Them & Grow Them
Getting Plants Ready for Winter
Protecting Young Trees in Winter
Lawns and Tools
Adaptive Gardening Tools
Best Practices for Watering Yards
Yard and Garden Cleanup
Fall “Lawndry” List
Lake Friendly Lawn Care
What’s the Deal with “No Mow May?“
Establishing a Bee Lawn – Current Research and Practical Techniques
Soil Health
Unlocking Garden Potential: Making Sense of Soil Test Results
Soil Solutions: Boosting Your Garden Soil with Amendments
Pests and Wildlife
Spotted Lanternfly
Fundamentals of Plant Disease
Bird Friendly Gardening
Reduced Impact Pest Management
Strategies for Managing Insect Pests
Strategies for Managing Diseases
Powdery Mildew and Controls
Tent caterpillars
Understanding the Emerald Ash Borer: From Identification to Action
The Buzz about Wisconsin’s Periodical Cicadas
A Balancing Act in the Garden: Protecting Pollinators while Managing Pests
The Role of Moths in Our Ecosystems
Trees and Shrubs for Pollinators
Butterfly Garden Design
What Would We Eat Without Bees?
Hidden World of Bees
Making Space for Pollinators
Bee Lawns
Gardening for Pollinators
Plant Selection for Pollinators
Wisconsin Wild Bee App
Pesticides, Pollinators, and Songbirds
Weeds in Pollinator Plantings
Bees in Your Area
Low-Maintenance, Natural Landscapes
Designing Native Plant Gardens for Pollinators
Fall into Spring Success: Planning Ahead for Weed Prevention
Controlling Ground Ivy (Creeping Charlie)
Biology and Management of Canada Thistle, Bishop’s Goutweed, and Creeping Bellflower
Weeds in Pollinator Plantings
Tackling Tough Weeds: Your Questions, Expert Answers
Additional Videos Hosted by PBS

Climate Change for Gardeners
Join Laura Jull, Woody Ornamental Horticulture Extension Specialist from UW-Madison for an examination of climate change as it relates to Wisconsin gardeners. In this video, Jull also explores some major issues and dispels a few myths.
Japanese Beetle in Wisconsin
Japanese beetle is a destructive insect pest throughout areas of Wisconsin, and typically becomes active in July. Join PJ Liesch as he shares with you information about the insect and how to control it. This one hour and twenty minute recording will give you almost everything you need to know about this pest.
How Trees Built the Midwest
Jay Dampier, a statewide horticulture outreach program manager at the UW-Madison Division of Extension, explains how ash, pine, sugar maple, white birch and apple trees shaped Wisconsin.
Growing Tomatoes in Wisconsin
Lisa Johnson, a horticulture educator for Extension Dane County, offers tips for successfully growing tomatoes in the Midwest. Johnson discusses starting tomatoes from seed, causes of diseases, crop rotation, fertilizing, watering, harvesting and storage.
Outdoor Insect Hazards: Biting and Stinging Pests
PJ Liesch, Director of the Insect Diagnostic Lab at UW-Madison, explains which ticks and insects, found in Wisconsin, are dangerous to humans. Ticks pose and important health risk when in your yard or gardening.
Square Foot Gardening
Lisa Johnson, Horticulture Educator, UW-Extension, Dane County, explains the theory behind square foot gardening and how to create your own garden. Johnson discusses what to plant, what materials to use to build raised beds, and how to reap the highest yield per square foot.
How Not to Plant Trees
UW-Extension Plant Pathologist Brian Hudelson fesses up to drowning his own tree and shares other common tree-planting mistakes including strangulation, creating mulch volcanoes, and the right and wrong way to water trees and shrubs.
Growing Blueberries in Containers
Vijai Pandian, Horticulture Educator, UW-Extension County, presents a simple technique to grow blueberries in soilless containers. Because the high alkaline content of Wisconsin soil makes growing blueberries difficult, Pandian recommends a recipe for a soil media with an acid fertilizer for successful blueberry growth in containers.
Managing a Hobby Greenhouse
Johanna Oosterwyk, Manager of the D.C. Smith Greenhouse at UW-Madison, explains the challenges of creating a greenhouse. Some of the factors to take into account include: temperature, humidity and the amount of light needed for the plants.
Vegetable Diseases
If you grow vegetables, you need to be on the lookout for diseases that can affect your crops – not only for this season, but next year as well. Plant pathologist Brian Hudelson teaches us how to identify problems, and what to do to prevent them from happening again next year.
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