Rain Barrels

What is a rain barrel?  A rain barrel can be any large container designed to collect rain water.  Typically, rain barrels are placed at the bottom of downspouts in order to collect rain as it runs off of a roof.  For every inch of rain that falls on 1,000 square feet of roof, about 600 […]

Container Gardening

Live in an apartment or condo? You can still raise a garden’s worth of flowers or vegetables in pots and other containers by mastering the methods described in this publication.

The Basics of Micro Irrigation

Micro irrigation has numerous advantages in greenhouses, orchards, vineyards, fields, lawns, and gardens. Learn about components of micro irrigation systems and benefits and drawbacks these systems provide.

Using Wood Ash in the Home Garden

Wood ash can provide certain soil nutrients, and can be used to raise soil pH. However, if used incorrectly or excessively, problems can occur. Learn more in this factsheet.

Indian Corn

Indian or flint corn is one of many types of maize or corn with colored kernels, either of a single or multiple colors. To learn more about these types of corn that have attractively-colored kernels, read this article…

Heirloom Vegetables

Heirloom vegetables are popular these days, but do you know what this term means and what varieties really are heirlooms? You can read more about this topic in this article…

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