Home Fruit Cultivars of Northern Wisconsin

Find out which fruit cultivars are recommended for your area of Northern Wisconsin in this fact sheet. Includes tree fruits, stone fruits and small fruits, and describes flavor, ripening date, hardiness and more.

Home Fruit Cultivars for Southern Wisconsin

Find out which fruit cultivars are recommended for Southern Wisconsin. This publication describes flavor, ripening date, winter hardiness, and more, and includes tree fruits, stone fruits and small fruits.

Plants Not Favored by Deer

If deer visit your property, before planting (or replanting), check out this list of trees, shrubs, flowers, herbs, and grasses that deer tend to avoid.

Growing Apples in Wisconsin

This publication is a great how-to resource for backyard apple growers. It covers everything from planting to pruning to disease and insect management strategies, to help you get a great harvest.

Growing Pears in Wisconsin

Pears are among the easiest tree fruits to grow. This 28-page publication covers everything you need to know for successful fruit production, from planting through harvest.

Hardiness Zone Maps

Maps related to cold hardiness zones so you can choose plants that can survive winter in your area.

Serviceberry, Amelanchier spp.

If you’re looking for a small tree with attractive white blossoms in spring and small fruits that can be food for animals or humans, consider one of several species of serviceberry. To learn more, read this article…

Rootstocks for Fruit Trees in Wisconsin

Fruit trees are propagated by budding or grafting onto special rootstocks. Some nurseries offer trees with a choice of rootstocks. Learn more about how rootstocks affect your backyard trees here.

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