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Galinsoga – Galinsoga quadriradiata
This factsheet will help you identify galinsoga – Galinsoga quadriradiata, a common weed in pastures and other settings.
Curly Dock – Rumex crispus
This factsheet will help you identify curly dock – Rumex crispus, a common weed in pastures and other settings.
Common Ragweed – Ambrosia artemisiifolia
This factsheet will help you identify common ragweed – Ambrosia artemisiifolia, a common weed in pastures and other settings.
Common Mullein – Verbascum thapsus
This factsheet will help you identify common mullein – Verbascum thapsus, a common weed in pastures and other settings.
Common Lambsquarters – Chenopodium album
This factsheet will help you identify common lambsquarters – Chenopodium album, a common weed in pastures and other settings.
Common Chickweed – Stellaria media
This factsheet will help you identify common chickweed – Stellaria media, a common weed in pastures and other settings.
Common Burdock – Arctium minus
This factsheet will help you identify Common burdock – Arctium minus, a common weed in pastures and other settings.
Comfrey – Symphytum officinale
This factsheet will help you identify comfrey – Symphytum officinale, a common weed in pastures and other settings.
Bull Thistle – Cirsium vulgare
This factsheet will help you identify bull thistle, a common weed in pastures and other settings.
Blackseed Plantain – Plantago rugelii
This factsheet will help you identify blackseed plantain – Plantago rugelii, a common weed in pastures and other settings.
Biennial Wormwood – Artemisia biennis
This factsheet will help you identify biennial wormwood, a common weed in pastures and other settings.
Barnyardgrass – Echinochola crusgalli
This factsheet will help you identify barnyardgrass – Echinochola crusgalli, a common weed in pastures and other settings.