Fall is a good time to test lawn and garden soil

By: Lisa Johnson, Extension Educator

Fall is a great time to do soil testing now if your soil is not too wet, for the vegetable garden as well as perennial and annual beds, turf areas, and areas where you grow fruit. Knowing what your soil texture, pH (measures alkalinity and acidity of soil) and levels of the three macronutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are can help you choose appropriate plants to grow. Samples should be collected down 6-8 inches in the soil profile.

Soil testing is important for new gardens, so you have base-line information for fertilizer application as well as for beds that haven’t been tested for a while.

The University of Wisconsin Soils Lab is located in Madison. Visit their website to find sampling instructions, sample submission forms, and directions on where and how to mail samples.

Soil testing is important for new gardens, so you have base-line information for fertilizer application as well as for beds that haven’t been tested for a while.

The UW Soils Lab’s standard soil test costs $15, and the report includes information on your soil pH, (this is a measure of the acidity and alkalinity of your soil) percent organic matter—which is used to calculate a nitrogen recommendation, phosphorus and potassium levels and also a lime or sulfur recommendation if needed to adjust pH, fertilizer recommendations and other tips. Go to uwlab.soils.wisc.edu for information on other available tests, and where to send them for analysis.

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